Links: Accepted papers and abstracts / Videos / Program / Booklet / Poster / GroupPhoto
Practical information: Hotel Information / Venue Information
Spotlight: Dates / Venue for 2010 meeting
The 2010 joint conference on Systems Biology, Regulatory Genomics, and Reverse Engineering Challenges will be held from Nov 16-20 in New York City, at the Riverside Church, a unique location on the upper west side of NYC (490 Riverside Drive New York, New York 10027).
The meeting will start on Tuesday Nov 16 with DREAM5, continue with Systems Biology on Wed-Thu Nov 17-18, and finish with Regulatory Genomics on Fri-Sat Nov 19-20.
The paper submission deadline will be Friday July 7th, 2010. Check the 2010 Conference Website for more details on program committees, partner journals, industry sponsors, and registration and venue details!
Spotlight: Feedback Form
First Statistics Gathered (as of 7pm on Saturday Dec 5)
Spotlight: PLoS Computational Biology and PLoS ONE Papers Now Online
Six papers of the original full-length papers presented at the conference have already appeared online in our partner journals. You can find them here:
- PLoS ONE: A Dynamic Analysis of IRS-PKR Signaling in Liver Cells: A Discrete Modeling Approach by Ming Wu, Xuerui Yang, Christina Chan
- PLoS ONE: A Biophysical Model for Analysis of Transcription Factor Interaction and Binding Site Arrangement from Genome-Wide Binding Data< by Xin He, Chieh-Chun Chen, Feng Hong, Fang Fang, Saurabh Sinha, Huck-Hui Ng, Sheng Zhong
- PLoS ONE: Scalable Steady State Analysis of Boolean Biological Regulatory Networks by Ferhat Ay, Fei Xu, Tamer Kahveci
- PLoS ONE: Ground State Robustness as an Evolutionary Design Principle in Signaling Networks by Onder Kartal, Oliver Ebenhoh
- PLoS Comp Bio: Inferring Binding Energies from Selected Binding Sites by Yue Zhao, David Granas, Gary D. Stormo
- PLoS Comp Bio: Identifying Drug Effects via Pathway Alterations using an Integer Linear Programming Optimization Formulation on Phosphoproteomic Data by Alexander Mitsos, Ioannis N. Melas, Paraskeuas Siminelakis, Aikaterini D. Chairakaki, Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Leonidas G. Alexopoulos
Follow (and comment on / contribute to) Oliver Hoffmann's live blogging of the meeting.
Group Photo
Open the original and numbered group photos separate windows (control-click), use Ctrl-Tab to navigate between them, match numbers to names, and enter your resuls on the Name Matching spreadsheet.
The 6th Annual RECOMB Satellite on Regulatory Genomics,
the 5th Annual RECOMB Satellite on Systems Biology, and
the 4th Annual DREAM reverse engineering challenges
will be held jointly at MIT on Dec 2-6, 2009.
The meeting is hosted by the MIT Computational Biology group,
the Broad Institute and the
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab.
meeting will start at 5pm on Wednesday Dec 2nd, 2009, and
run till 1pm on Sunday December 6, 2009.
The goal of the meeting is to bring together computational and experimental scientists in the area of regulatory genomics and systems biology, to discuss current research directions, latest findings, and establish new collaborations towards a systems-level understanding of gene regulation. The meeting consists of keynote presentations, oral presentations selected from submitted manuscripts and 1-page abstracts, and posters presentations also selected from submitted abstracts. More than 500 participants attended last year's meeting, the vast majority of whom attended all three meetings, and we expect a similar interest this year.
This year, we announce a new and exciting partnership with the Public Library of Science (PLoS) journals PLoS Computational Biology and PLoS ONE to publish full-length papers submitted to the conference. All submitted papers will be reviewed by our program committee, in partnership with the journal editors, and all accepted papers will appear in one of the two journals, based on scope and reviewer/editor recommendation. We invite you to take advantage of this unique opportunity by submitting a full-length paper by the submission deadline on July 31 via the Easy Chair system.
Conference Chairs:
Regulatory Genomics: Manolis Kellis
(MIT), Ziv
Bar-Joseph (CMU).
Systems/DREAM: Andrea
Califano (Columbia), Gustavo
Stolovitzky (IBM).
Advisory Committee: Nir Friedman, Leroy Hood, Trey
Ideker, Douglas Lauffenburger, Satoru Miyano, Ron
Organizing Committee: Richard Bonneau, Michael
Brent, Albert Erives, Christina Leslie, Uwe Ohler,
Aviv Regev, Eric Xing.
Partner journal editors: Catherine Nancarrow and Peter
Binfield (PLoS Computational Biology and PLoS ONE).
Invited Speakers - Regulatory Genomics
Naama Barkai - Weizmann Institute Mark Biggin - Berkeley LBNL JGI |
Nikolaus Rajewsky - MDC Berlin Bob Waterston - U Washington |
Kevin White - U Chicago Rick Young - Whitehead Institute |
Invited Speakers - Systems Biology and DREAM*
Jef Boeke - John Hopkins Walter Fontana - Harvard University Nevan Krogan - UCSF |
Ihor Lemischka - Mount Sinai Franziska Michor - Sloan Kettering Gary Nolan* - Stanford |
John Reinitz - Stony Brook Michael Yaffe* - MIT |
Topic areas:
- RG: Modeling and recognition of regulatory motifs and modules.
- RG: Chromatin state establishment, maintenance, and role in development.
- RG: Post-transcriptional regulation and small regulatory RNAs.
- RG: Regulatory networks, metabolic networks, proteomic networks.
- SB: Pathway inference and reverse engineering of cellular networks.
- SB: Cellular signatures of biological responses and disease states.
- SB: Phosphorylation, metabolic fluxes, systematic phenotyping.
- SB: Mathematical modeling and simulation of biological systems.
- DREAM: experimental/algorithmic designs of reverse engineering protocols.
- DREAM: assessment and comparison of reverse engineering methods.
Key Dates
Program Committee
Regulatory Genomics:
Systems Biology/DREAM:
Partner Journals
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Industry and Government Sponsors
![]() Merck Research Laboratories |
![]() IBM Research |
![]() NIH Roadmap Magnet Center |
Submission instructions and formatting
There are three ways of contributing to the conference:
Option 1: Submit a full-length manuscript (see review process below)
Instructions: All manuscripts should be submitted via the EasyChair
system and not directly to the journal websites.
Length limits are 30,000 characters without counting spaces (which is ~14 pages of
double-spaced 11-pt text), 5 display items (figures or tables) totaling no more than
2 pages, up to 50 references (not included in the word count), and a 250-word abstract.
Formatting should follow the PLoS guidelines).
Deadline: Friday July 31, 2009.
Process Overview: Manuscripts will be reviewed by the program committee,
and will be part of the conference proceedings
published by PLoS Computational Biology and PLoS ONE.
Assignment of papers to the two journals will be made
by the conference chairs and journal editors, based on scope
and program committee recommendations. All accepted papers
will be presented orally at the conference, and will
appear in press by our partner journals before the conference.
More details below.
Option 2: Submit a 1-page abstract.
These will be used to select short talks for oral presentations (12 mins+3 Q&A) and posters (4ftx4ft).
You can upload these while registering online here:
Please use the provided One-page abstract template.
Deadline: Oct 1st, 2009 at 11:59pm US Pacific Time.
(see Detailed abstract submission information below)
Option 3: Respond to the DREAM4 challenges
Participants to the DREAM4 competition will be presenting their challenge responses at the conference.
You can download the
DREAM4 challenges from the DREAM Project website. Deadline: Oct 15, 2009.
Abstract submission information
Abstract submission instructions:
- Download the abstract template.
- Fill in your abstract title, authors, affiliation, text.
- Edit your conference choice and oral/poster preference (in the document header).
- Underline the name of the presenting author.
- Save as a Word2003 document (filename: LastnameFirstname.doc)
- Upload the abstract during registration of the presenting author at regonline.com/recombsat09.
- Abstract upload is at the bottom of the "Personal Information" page, under "Other Personal Information".
- Click on "Upload" to upload your completed abstract (clicking on "Details" takes you to the template).
- A pop-up window labeled "File Upload Page" will appear (make sure you enable pop-ups for regonline.com).
- Click "Select" to browse for your abstract (make sure it's in word 2003 format, not PDF or other format).
- Click the "Upload" button after selecting your file, otherwise your abstract will not be uploaded.
- The notification "You have successfully uploaded the file" should appear in red, with a link to view the file.
- You are all set. Click on "Close" and your abstract is uploaded
Please make sure your abstract is uploaded as a word file. PDF abstracts may be omitted from the abstract book and the review process. Also note that we only allow one abstract per presenting author due to space constraints.
Abstracts submitted until 11:59pm US Pacific Time on Oct 1st will be considered for oral platform presentations and also poster presentations. Accepted abstracts will be included in an abstract book to be distributed to all conference participants, also including abstracts of full-length papers accepted in our partner journals PLoS Computational Biology and PLoS ONE.
Late abstracts will be considered at the discretion of the conference chairs only, and only for poster presentations. Abstracts sent after Oct 1st will not be included in the abstract book due to printing constraints.
All submitted abstracts that are not associated with a submitted paper will be treated as personal communication, and the authors will reserve the right to publish their work elsewhere.
Full-length paper information
Full-length original papers will be presented at the conference, and published in parallel in leading scientific journals. We have partnered with two leading journals in the field of Systems Biology and Regulatory Genomics to offer publication of a select number of papers: PLoS ONE and PLoS Computational Biology will review all submitted papers in partnership with our program committee, and publish them online by December 2009. Papers will be considered for both journals, and notification of journal selection will be sent to authors by September 15, 2009, with final decision by October 15, 2009. All accepted papers will be presented as talks at the conference, and will appear in a special issue of our partner journals.
Manuscript Review Process
- Friday July 31st (11:59pm US Pacific Time): Papers submition deadline via the EasyChair System (if you do not already have an EasyChair account, please login to set one up). During submission, please specify which conference your paper should be considered for (Regulatory Genomics or Systems Biology/DREAM), as there are two separate program committees.
- Sept 4th: Notification of consideration for PLoS Computational Biology. Authors have until Sept 10 to upload their papers to ploscompbiol.org.
- By Sept 15th: Conference acceptance notification is sent to authors, and final journal assignment to partner journals (PLoS Computational Biology or PLoS ONE).
- September 30: Notice of initial decision by PLoS Computational Biology.
- October 14: Deadline for final revised manuscript upload to PLoS Computational Biology and PLoS ONE.
- Dec 1st: All accepted papers appear online by the partner journals.
- Dec 2nd-Dec 6th, 2009: Accepted papers are presented at the meeting, and their abstracts are published as part of the printed conference booklet. All papers are available electronically to the conference attendees.
Venue Information
MIT is located in
Cambridge MA near the
waterfront of the Charles River, overlooking downtown
The conference will be at the corner of
Main Street and Vassar St,
the new biotech corner of MIT, at the
Broad Institute Auditorium and all poster sessions will be held in the Broad Institute Lobby
and Museum Space, outside the Auditorium.
Boston has one international airport, Logan Airport (code:BOS), and it's approximately a 15 mins taxi ride away (~$30) from the Broad Institute and the Marriott Hotel. You can also take the silver line to the red line and get off at the Kendall Square/MIT T-stop on the red line, which is one block away from the Broad Institute and the Marriott Hotel.
Hotel accomodations
The Marriott Hotel has offered us an outstanding conference rate of $105/night, and is located adjacent to the Broad Institute where the conference will be held.
Hotel contact is: Marriott Cambridge, Two Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA, (617) 494-6600.
To make reservations by telephone mention the "Broad RECOMB" special GROUP rate. Or simply click the below reservation link to receive your discounted RECOMB rate: https://www.marriott.com/reservations/init.asp?marshacode=BOSCB&path=marriott&gc=COMCOMA
For hotel-related questions, please contact Susan Oconnor at susan.oconnor@marriott.com or 617-494-6600, or Sally Lee at sally@csail.mit.edu or 617-253-6837.
Parking Information
Parking for the conference can be found in one of four parking lots, open 24 hours,
with rates: 1 hour $8, 1-3 hours $15, 3-24 hours $20.
(1) 4 Cambridge Center - Entrance on Ames St. or Broadway - 617-225-0830
(2) 5 Cambridge Center, East Garage - Ames St./Broadway
(3) 7 Cambridge Center, West Garage - Ames St./Galileo Way
(4) 10 Cambridge Center, North Garage - Binney St. off Broadway - 617-621-3115
In addition, after 3pm and on weekends, visitors can park for free at:
(5) East lot, Outdoors, across from the Broad Institute.
For more information please visit: http://web.mit.edu/facilities/transportation/parking/visitors/public_parking.html
Summary of the 2008 meeting
Papers / Abstracts / Photos / Videos / Schedule (pdf) / Proceedings (pdf, 5M) / Slides (pdf, 2.3MB) / Poster (pdf, 4MB).The 2008 joint meeting was an experiment in complexity, with three joint conferences (each with a separate program commitee), three partner journals for parallel review and concurrent publication, a separate abstract submission track for talks and posters, 16 keynote speakers, and two dozen scientific sessions. (Submission Details)
The resulting meeting was a resounding success. We received 250+ abstracts (ByDate), 50+ paper submissions, and 400+ DREAM Challenge predictions, from some of the best labs in gene regulation and systems biology worldwide. These resulted in a scientific program of outmost quality, with 93 oral presentations, 160 posters, and 24 accepted papers in the three partner journals.
The conference was also very highly attended this year. We had a record 500+ participants for the joint conference, of which 412 attended at least two meetings, and 288 attended all three (ByMeeting). This included a roughly equal proportion of students, faculty, and postdocs (171, 134, 109), as well as 30 industry participants, and 9 journal editors (representing Nature, Nature Genetics, Cell, Genome Research, Molecular Cell, MIT Press, and Nature Chemical Biology). (ByType)
The conference was truly international this year, with 103 participants from 24 countries, including 15 from Asia, 17 from Israel, and 59 from Europe. The broader US was also well represented, with 185 participants flying in from all corners of the US. Local participation was also high, with 184 attendees from the Larger Boston Area (including 108 from Cambridge), and an additional 15 commuting from Providence, New Haven, and New Hampshire. (ByCountry).
Papers published at the meeting:
Journal of Computational Biology, Volume 16, Number 2:
RECOMB Regulation/Systems/DREAM Special Issue
Pictures from the meeting: Group Shot 1 - Group Shot 2 - Stata Visit 1 - Stata Visit 2 - All 161 pics - Facebook group
Previous RECOMB Regulatory Genomics (RRG) Meetings
RRG10 will be held in Columbia on Nov 16-20, 2010
RRG09 was held at MIT on Dec 2-6, 2009
RRG08 was held at MIT on October 29-Nov2nd, 2008
RRG07 was held at MIT on October 11-13, 2007
RRG06 was held at the National University of Singapore
RRG05 was held with Systems Biology Satellite at UCSD
RRG04 was held in conjunction with RECOMB in San Diego
Previous RECOMB Systems Biology (RSB) Meetings
RSB10 will be held in Columbia on Nov 16-20, 2010
RSB09 was held at MIT on Dec 2-6, 2009
RSB08 was held at MIT on October 29-Nov2nd, 2008
RSB07 was held at the University of San Diego
RSB06 was held with Computational Proteomics in San Diego
RSB05 was held with Regulatory Genomics in San Diego
Previous DREAM Reverse Engineering Competition
DREAM5 will be held in Columbia on Nov 16-20, 2010
DREAM4 was held at MIT on Dec 2-6, 2009
DREAM3 was held at MIT on October 29-Nov2nd, 2008
DREAM2 was held at the New York Academy of Sciences
DREAM was held as a DIMACS workshop in New York