Alzheimer’s disease multi-region data repository

We profiled and annotated a multi-region single-cell transcriptomic atlas of the aged human brain covering 1.3 million cells from 283 post-mortem human brain samples across six brain regions, 48 individuals, and six stages of AD progression to study molecular mechanisms of AD progression across brain regions.

snRNA-seq profiling overview
  • In addition to resources provided below and on Synapse, the single-cell transcriptomic dataset is available for interactive visualization through the UCSC Cell Browser.
  • Summary analyses are currently available as supplementary tables below.
  • We also make results including expression profiles, AD differential changes, and gene modules available interactively through

Manuscript: Mathys*, Boix*, Akay* et al. - Single-cell multi-region dissection of Alzheimer’s disease reveals selectively vulnerable neurons

Contact: Hansruedi Mathys - mathysh at pitt dot edu / Carles Boix - cboix at mit dot edu / Leyla Akay - leyla at mit dot edu


Complete human raw data are released in collaboration with ROSMAP through Synapse (syn52293442). The data and human metadata must be accessed through Synapse with a Data Use Certificate (DUC). Human metadata can be found at Synapse (syn3157322) or can be requested through the RADC Hub.

Datasets corresponding to manuscript analyses can be found here and are summarized in the table below. Processed human datasets have been deidentified to protect confidentiality - the mapping to ROSMAP IDs and complete metadata can be found on Synapse.

Table Files Description
Supplementary Table 1 Table in xlsx Gene expression marker lists
Supplementary Table 2 Table in xlsx Gene expression programs from cNMF
Supplementary Table 3 Table in xlsx Transcriptional regulons from SCENIC
Supplementary Table 4 Table in xlsx Modules and module scores for GABAergic, glutamatergic, and projecting neurons
Supplementary Table 5 Tables in xlsx, Rds Gene expression modules from scmodule
Supplementary Table 6 Table in xlsx, tsv Gene expression module covariate enrichments
Supplementary Table 7 Tarball of tables tar.gz Differential gene expression tables
Supplementary Table 8 Table in tsv Genes associated with subtype resilience and vulnerability