Alzheimer’s disease regulome data repository
This is a supplementary website for: Epigenomic dissection of Alzheimer’s disease pinpoints causal variants and reveals epigenome erosion
Recent work has identified dozens of non-coding loci for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) risk, but their mechanisms and AD transcriptional regulatory circuitry are poorly understood. Here, we profile epigenomic and transcriptomic landscapes of 850k nuclei from AD and healthy prefrontal cortexes of 92 individuals to build a map of the brain regulome, including epigenomic profiles, transcriptional regulators, co-accessibility modules, and peak-to-gene links in a cell-type-specific manner. We develop methods for multimodal integration and detecting regulatory modules using peak-to-gene linking. We show AD risk loci are enriched in microglial enhancers and for specific TFs including SPI1, ELF2, and RUNX1. We detect 9,628 cell-type-specific ATAC-QTL loci, which we integrate alongside peak-to-gene links to prioritize AD variant regulatory circuits. We report differential accessibility of regulatory modules in late-AD in glia and in early-AD in neurons. Strikingly, late-stage AD brains show global epigenome dysregulation indicative of epigenome erosion and cell identity loss.
![snRNA-seq profiling overview](./assets/img/overview_figure_profiling.png)
Datasets are available for interactive visualization through the UCSC Cell Browser. Specific visualizations include: 1. snATAC alone, 2. snRNA alone, 3. snATAC-snRNA integration, and 4. snATAC erosion.
- Pseudobulk ATAC tracks (average signal per cell type by AD stage by erosion status) can be viewed on the UCSC Genome Browser (adds a track hub called AD regulome): track hub
Contact: Xushen Xiong, Ben James, and Carles Boix (xiongxs, benjames, cboix at
Analysis Datasets
Complete human raw data are released in collaboration with ROSMAP through Synapse (syn52293417). The data and human metadata must be accessed through Synapse with a Data Use Certificate (DUC). Human metadata can be found at Synapse (syn3157322) or can be requested through the RADC Hub.
Datasets corresponding to manuscript analyses can be found here and are summarized in the table below. Processed human datasets have been deidentified to protect confidentiality - the mapping to ROSMAP IDs and complete metadata can be found on Synapse.
Code for analysis, including snATAC and snRNA data processing, GWAS analysis, QTL calling are available at and Zenodo: 8287248. The code for single-cell module detection for ATAC-seq, multiomics, and peak-gene linking are available at and Zenodo: 8292785.
Dataset | Files/Locations | Description |
Fragments | directory | Fragment files for the snATAC-seq data in this study |
snATAC data | directory, TileMatrix (h5ad), PeakMatrix (rds), GeneScore (rds) | ArchR and h5ad files for the tile, peak, and gene score matrices of the snATAC-seq data (TSS enrichment > 6) used in this study |
snATAC erosion | directory, GeneScore Matrix (part1, rds), GeneScore Matrix (part2, rds), Peak Matrix (rds) | ArchR files for the peak and gene score matrices of the snATAC-seq data (TSS enrichment > 1) used in this study |
snRNA data | h5ad | h5ad (anndata) file for single-nucleus RNA-seq data of 414k cells used in this study |
Annotation | directory | ArchR peak matrices (rds files) and peak annotations (txt files) for the major cell type groups in the study |
Integration | directory | Integration and annotation of the snRNA-seq and snATAC-seq (TSS > 6) datasets |
bigWig files | (TSS > 6), (TSS>1) | bigWig files of the snATAC data from the PFC (TSS>6 and TSS>1) |
Subtype peaks | directory | Subtype-level peaks identified from snATAC PFC data |
Modules | directory | Peak modules based on the PFC snATAC |