A Bayesian Approach for Fast and Accurate Gene Tree ReconstructionMatthew D. Rasmussen and Manolis Kellis.
Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2010.
Address correspondence to: Matthew Rasmussen (rasmus at alum.mit.edu) and Manolis Kellis (manoli at mit.edu)
SPIMAP is a phylogenetic reconstruction method specifically designed for reconstructing gene trees in the case of a known species tree.
A development version of SPIMAP is also available on github.
- C++ compiler (gcc)
- GNU Scientific Library (GSL) http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/
- Python (2.5 or greater) http://python.org
Supplemental data
All files for download are available here.
Analysis of 16 fungi genomes
In our paper, we evaluated SPIMAP and several other phylogenetic methods on a dataset of 16 fully sequenced fungal genomes. These species were first analyzed in a genome sequencing and analysis of several species of Candida (Butler, et al. Nature. 2009). In that paper, we clustered predicted genes from all of these species into 9,209 gene families. The clusters, alignments, and gene trees can be downloaded from our Candida sequencing supplemental data website:
- Supplemental site: http://compbio.mit.edu/candida
- Download all gene families: fams.tar.gz (67M)
- Browse all gene families: 9209 families
In order to compare against the SYNERGY algorithm, we downloaded its January 2009 release and performed our tree reconstruction on the same gene clusters (5351 gene families).
- Gene families: real-fungi.tar.gz
- Reconstructions: SPIMAP, SPIMAP (i.i.d.), SPIDIR, SYNERGY, PrIME-GSR, RAxML, MrBayes, PhyML, BIONJ
- Relation files: real-fungi-rel.tar.gz
Species trees
The species tree of the 16 fungi was estimated in Butler, et al. 2009 (see supplemental information). As presented in Butler et al. 2009, the divergence times were estimated with the r8s program (Sanderson2003). The divergence times of the 12 flies tree were estimated in Tamura2004. These divergence times are expressed in millions of years in the following newick format files.
- Fungi species tree: fungi.stree
- Fly species tree: flies.stree
Gene names to species names
SPIMAP uses a special file format (*.smap) to specify which genes belong to which species. Each line contains two tab-delimited fields: (1) a pattern matching a gene ID and (2) a species ID (same as the ones used in the species tree files). The gene ID pattern can either be an exact matching string, a prefix (denoted "text*"), or a suffix (denoted "*text"). Matches should be processed in the same order as they appear in the file. For example, the gene "YALI123" should match "ylip", instead of "yeast", because the pattern "YALI*" occurs before "Y*" (see fungi.smap).
- Fungi gene to species map: fungi.smap
- Fly gene to species map: flies.smap
- Fungi species abbreviations: fungi.names.txt
- Fly species abbreviations: flies.names.txt
Estimating gene duplication and loss rates for 16 fungal species
Our SPIMAP gene tree reconstruction algorithm requires gene duplication (λ) and loss (μ) rates (events/gene/million years) to be supplied as parameters. These parameters can be estimated in a variety of ways. In this paper, we presented a computational pipeline that uses gene counts within gene family clusters to estimate duplication and loss rates. We have implemented a version of the method of Hahn et al. (Hahn2005) that also allows λ and μ to not be equal. Our implementation is called spimap-train-duploss and it is available in the SPIMAP software package.
As discussed in the paper, we processed the gene count data from Butler2009 to estimate λ and μ. These counts are available for download.
Full gene counts: real-fungi-butler2009.counts.txt
This is a tab-delimited file. The first line in the file lists the abbreviated names of the 16 fungal species. For lines 2-9210, each gene family is represented as one row and its gene count within each species is indicated in the corresponding column.
Filtered gene counts: real-fungi-butler2009.filter.counts.txt
This is the tab-delimited file above with two filters applied: (1) we required at least 1 gene present in both of the major clades (S cerevisiae+8 others and C. albicans+6 others) and (2) we required a maximum of 40 genes in any species (to keep computation feasible). Applying these filters, produces 3922 gene families.
As presented in the paper, we estimated a gene duplication and loss rate of λ = 0.000732 and μ = 0.000859 for this dataset using the filtered gene counts. These rates can be estimated from the above dataset using the following command:
-s config/fungi.stree -S config/fungi.smap \
--birth .0001 --death .0001 \
-c fungi.filter.counts
Simulated datasets
We simulated gene alignments and trees for the 12 flies and 16 fungi clades. We used several parameter settings for duplication and loss rates, at zero, 1x, 2x, and 4x the rate observed in real data. The simulated data is available for download here:
- Simulated fly datasets: sim-flies.tar.gz (23M)
- Simulated fungi datasets: sim-fungi.tar.gz (50M)
The data is stored in the following structure: DATASET_NAME/DUPRATE-LOSSRATE/FAMID/FAMID.EXT
- DATASET_NAME: either "flies" or "fungi"
- DUPRATE: the duplication rate factor (0, 1, 2, or 4)
- LOSSRATE: the loss rate factor (0, 1, 2, or 4)
- FAMID: the gene family ID (0-499)
- EXT: filename extension, which can be one of the following
- align: DNA alignment in FASTA format
- fasta: DNA sequence data in FASTA format
- info: extra information about the simulation process
- times.tree: simulated gene tree with branch lengths in units of time
- tree: simulated gene tree with branch lengths in substitutions per site
- (Butler2009) Butler, G.; Rasmussen, M. D.; Lin, M. F.; Santos, M. A. S.; Sakthikumar, S.; Munro, C. A.; Rheinbay, E.; Grabherr, M.; Forche, A.; Reedy, J. L.; Agrafioti, I.; Arnaud, M. B.; Bates, S.; Brown, A. J. P.; Brunke, S.; Costanzo, M. C.; Fitzpatrick, D. A.; de Groot, P. W. J.; Harris, D.; Hoyer, L. L.; Hube, B.; Klis, F. M.; Kodira, C.; Lennard, N.; Logue, M. E.; Martin, R.; Neiman, A. M.; Nikolaou, E.; Quail, M. A.; Quinn, J.; Santos, M. C.; Schmitzberger, F. F.; Sherlock, G.; Shah, P.; Silverstein, K. A. T.; Skrzypek, M. S.; Soll, D.; Staggs, R.; Stansfield, I.; Stumpf, M. P. H.; Sudbery, P. E.; Srikantha, T.; Zeng, Q.; Berman, J.; Berriman, M.; Heitman, J.; Gow, N. A. R.; Lorenz, M. C.; Birren, B. W.; Kellis, M. & Cuomo, C. A. Evolution of pathogenicity and sexual reproduction in eight Candida genomes. Nature, 2009, 459, 657-662
- (Hahn2005) Hahn, M. W.; De Bie, T.; Stajich, J. E.; Nguyen, C. & Cristianini, N. Estimating the tempo and mode of gene family evolution from comparative genomic data Genome Res., 2005, 15, 1153-1160
- (Sanderson2003) Sanderson, M. J. r8s: inferring absolute rates of molecular evolution and divergence times in the absence of a molecular clock. Bioinformatics, 2003, 19, 301-302
- (Tamura2004) Tamura K, Subramanian S, Kumar S (2004) Temporal patterns of fruit fly (Drosophila) evolution revealed by mutation clocks. Mol Biol Evol 21: 36-44.