Daniel Marbach Projects Publications bar


Network deconvolution: distinguishing direct dependencies in networks

Network Deconvolution

Network science has become pivotal in studying complex interconnected systems in a wide variety of fields ranging from biology to economics and information sciences. A key challenge towards understanding these systems is to distinguish direct relationships from spurious, indirect links. For example, I have many Portuguese friends on Facebook. An analysis of this social network may thus incorrectly conclude that I'm Portuguese, while in fact I know these friends through my wife who is Portuguese, i.e., the link is indirect.

Indirect effects are deeply engrained in many observed networks as they diffuse over paths of varying length, and disentangling the blended direct and indirect relationships becomes seemingly intractable. Network deconvolution (ND) is a novel algorithm that presents a closed-form solution to this problem. ND filters out the combined effect of all indirect paths of arbitrary length in a single global operation, thereby revealing the true links that underly an observed network. We demonstrate the effectiveness of ND for gene network inference, protein structure prediction and social network analysis, but we believe that ND will serve as a foundational graph theoretic tool in many other problems in network science.

Network deconvolution

DREAM network inference challenge

Reconstructing gene regulatory networks from high-throughput data is a long-standing problem. The DREAM network inference challenge is a community-wide competition, with the aim to:

  • Perform comprehensive and blind assessment of the state-of-the-art in gene network inference
  • Leverage the "wisdom of crowds" to gain new biological insights from the ensemble of team submissions
  • Create an integrated software toolkit of inference methods, contributed by all participating teams
Edition Data #Teams
DREAM3 (2008) In silico 29
DREAM4 (2009) In silico 33
DREAM5 (2010) E. coli, S. cerevisiae,
S. aureus, in silico
DREAM8 (2013) In preparation TBA

The DREAM3 and DREAM4 challenges were based on in silico (simulated) gene expression datasets, which enable thorough performance evaluation (see GeneNetWeaver project description below). Performance profiling on network motifs revealed that inference methods are affected, to various degrees, by different types of systematic prediction errors.

The DREAM5 challenge has shown that no single inference method performs optimally across different species and datasets. In contrast, community-based methods that integrate predictions of multiple inference methods show high and robust performance. Community integration allowed us to identify ~1,700 transcriptional interactions in E. coli with precision ~50% and to construct the first genome-scale regulatory model for S. aureus, a human pathogen known for it's ability to develop antibiotic resistance.

DREAM5 challenge results

Read more on the GNW/DREAM website, official DREAM website

Predictive regulatory models in Drosophila melanogaster

Gaining insights on gene regulation from large-scale functional datasets is a grand challenge in systems biology. We are developing methods for inference of transcriptional regulatory networks by integrating diverse functional genomics datasets, including transcription factor (TF) binding (ChIP), evolutionarily-conserved sequence motifs, gene expression, and chromatin modification datasets.

Applying these methods to Drosophila melanogaster, we predict ~300k regulatory edges from ~600 TFs to over 12k target genes. We show that the resulting networks can be used to predict candidate functions for hundreds of previously-uncharacterized genes, and to predict target gene expression levels as a function of TF expression.

Our work reveals the complementarity between physical evidence of regulatory interactions (TF binding, motif conservation) and functional evidence (coordinated expression or chromatin patterns), demonstrating the power of data integration for network inference and studies of gene regulation at the systems level.


Read more on the modENCODE website

  • Predictive regulatory models in Drosophila melanogaster by integrative inference of transcriptional networks. Marbach D*, Roy S*, Ay F, Meyer PE, Candeias R, Kahveci T, Bristow CA, Kellis M.
    Genome Research, 22(7):1334-49, 2012. [PubMed] [pdf] [Supplement]

  • Identification of functional elements and regulatory circuits by Drosophila modENCODE. modENCODE Consortium, Roy†, Ernst†, Kharchenko†, Kheradpour†, Negre†, Eaton†, Landolin†, Bristow†, Ma†, Lin†, Washietl†, Arshinoff†, Ay†, Meyer†, Robine†, Washington†, Di Stefano†, Berezikov‡, Brown‡, Candeias‡, Carlson‡, Carr‡, Jungreis‡, Marbach‡, Sealfon‡, Tolstorukov‡, Will‡, Alekseyenko, Artieri, Booth, Brooks, Dai, Davis, Duff, Feng, Gorchakov, Gu, Henikoff, Kapranov, Li, MacAlpine, Malone, Minoda, Nordman, Okamura, Perry, Powell, Riddle, Sakai, Samsonova, Sandler, Schwartz, Sher, Spokony, Sturgill, van Baren, Wan, Yang, Yu, Feingold, Good, Guyer, Lowdon, Ahmad, Andrews, Berger, Brenner, Brent, Cherbas, Elgin, Gingeras, Grossman, Hoskins, Kaufman, Kent, Kuroda, Orr-Weaver, Perrimon, Pirrotta, Posakony, Ren, Russell, Cherbas, Graveley, Lewis, Micklem, Oliver, Park, Celniker, Henikoff, Karpen, Lai, MacAlpine, Stein, White, Kellis.
    Science, 330(6012):1787-97, 2010. †‡ Contributed equally. [PubMed] [pdf] [Supplement]

GeneNetWeaver: realistic in silico gene networks

DREAM4 booklet

Numerous methods have been developed for inferring (reverse engineering) gene regulatory networks from expression data. However, both their absolute and comparative performance remain poorly understood. The aim of this project is to provide benchmarks and tools for rigorous testing of methods for gene network inference.

We have developed novel approaches for the generation of realistic in silico benchmarks and for the identification of systematic errors of network inference algorithms. Our framework is available as an easy-to-use Java tool called GeneNetWeaver (GNW). We are using in vivo microarray compendia side-by-side with synthetic (GNW) data to assess the performance of network inference methods in the DREAM challenge, an annual community-wide network inference challenge.

Read more on the GNW / DREAM website

Evolutionary reverse engineering of gene networks

Reverse engineering (unraveling and modelling) gene regulatory networks will be indispensable to gain a systems-level understanding of biological organisms and genetically related diseases. We have developed an evolutionary reverse engineering method, which reconstructs gene networks by mimicking the natural evolutionary process that constructed them.

Analog Genetic Encoding Our approach is based on a novel evolutionary algorithm called Analog Genetic Encoding (AGE), which models the way in which gene networks are encoded in the biological genome.

AGE achieved the best performance in a blinded reverse engineering competition of the DREAM2 conference.

Read more on my PhD project website

Modular robot locomotion (master thesis)

Modular robots are built from modules that can be stuck together in different ways, like Lego bricks. Since these robots have many modules, they may adapt to unknown tasks or module failures by reconfiguring into different shapes. However, the many modules make efficient control of locomotion (movement) challenging. This project addresses this problem.

  • I have conceived a distributed locomotion controller inspired by central pattern generators (CPGs), which are neural oscillators that control locomotion in vertebrates.

  • I have developed an evolutionary algorithm that co-evolves the configuration (body) and the CPG (brain) of the robots. Examples of evolved robots are shown in the first video below.

  • I have introduced a learning algorithm that allows the robot to autonomously adapt it's locomotion gait. The second video shows how a robot learns to walk in only a few minutes.

Read more on my master thesis website

Robots podcast

Robots podcast

We launched Robots in 2008 with the aim to provide free, high quality, educational information for the robotics community and the general public. By now, Robots has established itself as the podcast for news and views on robotics.

I left the Robots team in 2009 to focus on writing my PhD thesis and spending more time with my family, instead of robots ;-)

Visit the Robots podcast website

Last update: August 16, 2013