• Clone the latest version of the repository from github and change folder:
    git clone git@github.com:shmohammadi86/ACTION_Matlab.git
    cd ACTION_Matlab
  • Create a separate folder and download/decompress test datasets in it:
    mkdir -p input/datasets
    wget -P input/datasets/ http://compbio.mit.edu/ACTION/suppl/scRNASeq_datasets.zip
    unzip input/datasets/scRNASeq_datasets.zip -d input/datasets
    rm input/datasets/scRNASeq_datasets.zip
  • Run matlab and execute run_me.m
  • There are three main functions used in this script:
    1. importExpression: This function is used to load and preprocess input datasets.
    2. processCells: This is the main ACTION function.
    3. findMarker_sets: After running ACTION, this function identifies key marker genes for each archetype.
    4. archLabelEnrichment_embedded: When additional phenotypes are available, this function assesses the enrichment of phenotypes in the proximity of each archetype.
  • These functions are documented individually in the code.
  • Performance of ACTION over each dataset is measured using NMI, ARI, and F-score measures.