Online supplemental information for Rasmussen, Kellis (2007)

Accurate gene-tree reconstruction by learning gene- and species-specific substitution rates across multiple complete genomes

Matthew D. Rasmussen and Manolis Kellis

Address correspondence to: Manolis Kellis (manoli at

Supplementary Information

Software Download

Species Informed Distance-based Reconstruction

SPIDIR: Benchmarks and Evaluation

These datasets test the ability of SPIDIR and other phylogenetic methods to recover the correct gene tree. In real datasets, syntenic orthologs are used. With one-to-one syntenic orthologs, correctness is defined as congruent to species tree. For whole genome duplicated orthologs and paralogs, correctness is defined by placing paralogs on opposing sides of the whole genome duplication event. For simulated datasets, various other duplication and loss scenarios are tested.

Gene trees are organized by chromosome: D. melanogaster chromosomes for fly alignments and S. cerevisiae chromosomes for fungi. For each chromosome, gene trees are listed in order of chromosomal location.

Tree topologies are numbered T#, where # is the rank of topology frequency across all methods. Each dataset (9 flies, 12 flies, and 9 fungi) has its own topology numbering.

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