Genome Evolution

Beyond the functional elements and circuitry of the human genome, we need to understand the ancestry of human biology, and the forces that shape evolutionary innovation. Towards these goals, our group has developed systematic methods for genome comparison, and applied these to several yeast and vertebrate genomes. These methods have revealed specific mechanisms of change in eukaryotic evolution, and general principles for the emergence of new functions by gene and genome duplication.

i. Resolving genome correspondence

Graph theoretic framework. The first challenge in any evolutionary or comparative genomics analysis is understanding the correspondence of genes and regions across the species compared. We approached the gene correspondence problem from a graph-theoretic standpoint, representing every gene as a node and every protein similarity relationship as an edge in a bipartite graph, weighted by the strength of the similarity. Within this framework, we searched for best matches between sets of genes rather than individual gene pairs, thus capturing gene duplication and loss events. We defined the concept of a Best Unambiguous Subset (BUS), namely a group of genes such that all best matches of any gene within the set are contained within the set, and no best match of a gene outside the set is contained within the set, and develop quick graph search algorithms to derive these. The BUS algorithm allows a recursive application grouping the genes into progressively smaller subsets and retaining ambiguities until later in the pipeline when more information becomes available. At each iteration, it builds blocks of conserved gene order (synteny blocks) based on the unambiguous matches from the previous step. It then uses these synteny blocks to resolve additional ambiguities by preferentially keeping syntenic matches. Finally, the algorithm returns the connected components of the final graph. These contain the one-to-one orthologous pairs resolved as well as a small number of homology groups, containing sets of paralogous genes whose correspondence remained ambiguous.

ii. Mechanisms of eukaryotic evolution

Applying these algorithms to the comparison of the four closely related species of yeast revealed a number of important biological principles in the evolutionary mechanisms in eukaryotic biology.

Chromosomal regions of rapid evolution in telomeres. The regions of rapid gene family expansions were largely confined to the telomeres. Moreover, the gene families contained within these regions were frequently involved in environmental response, such as membrane adhesion and sugar transport, which showed significant changes in number, order, and orientation. These features define relatively clear boundaries for the telomeric regions on all 32 chromosome arms. A high degree of variation has also been reported in telomeric gene families related to antigenic variation in P. falsiparum[55], the parasite responsible for malaria.

Signatures of rapid and slow evolution. At the individual gene level, we found distinct functional properties associated with extremes in rapid and slow evolution in yeast. At one end of the spectrum, YBR184W corresponds to a large 500-amino-acid open reading frame in all four species, which shows only 32% nucleotide identity, 13% amino acid identity across the four species, and the third highest Ka/Ks ratio[56]; expression data suggests that its function is related to gamete formation, a function generally under positive selection in many species. The most rapidly evolving genes show several mechanisms of rapid protein change, including compensatory insertions and deletions, stop codon gain and loss, triplet expansions, and large protein domain insertions. At the other end of the conservation spectrum lies the mating-type gene MATA2, showing 100% conservation at the nucleotide level over hundreds of nucleotides, suggesting it may function not only by encoding a protein, but by encoding an anti-sense RNA or a DNA function; this is consistent with the perfect complementarity between MATA2 and MATaplha2, important in mating type switching.

Mechanisms of rearrangements. Outside of the telomeric regions, the few genomic rearrangements follow specific patterns, suggesting specific mechanisms of chromosomal evolution. First, all inversions are flanked, and seem mediated by tRNA genes in opposite transcriptional orientation, and usually of the same isoacceptor type. Second, all reciprocal translocations have occurred between Ty elements and between highly similar pairs of ribosomal protein genes, suggesting homologous recombination as their mechanism. Third, the only segmental duplication involves 'donor' and 'recipient' regions that are descendants of an ancient larger segmental duplication in the yeast genome, showing that anciently duplicated regions can mediate subsequent duplication events.

iii. Whole-genome duplication

Evolution by duplication. In 1970, Susumo Ohno raised the notion that while mutation merely modifies, duplication creates, and hypothesized that the evolutionary leaps such as the emergence of new body plans would require major events, as drastic as whole-genome duplication [57]. Thirty years later, we have the ability address these hypotheses directly at the molecular level, using complete genome sequences.

Ancestry of the yeast genome. In particular, the ancestry of hundreds of duplicated genes in yeast has been under debate, some scientists arguing for complete genome duplication [58] and others for independent duplication events[59, 60]. Previous comparative work has focused on divergence of individual gene families or regions, and the analyses have remained inconclusive. Using my genome alignment methods, we took a genome-wide approach to address this question in yeast. Instead of using divergence rates of individual genes, we focused on the conservation of gene order across the entire genome, comparing S. cerevisiae to a very distant yeast species whose divergence precedes the estimated time of duplication.

Signature of whole-genome duplication. My genome alignment methods provided definitive proof of complete genome duplication: every region of the newly sequenced relative corresponded to exactly two orthologous regions of the yeast genome. More than 90% of duplicated genes were lost in one copy or the other, leaving only 457 genes in duplicated regions, yet the interleaving of the ~5000 genes kept in only one copy and alternating between one sister region and the other, provides unmistakable evidence of complete duplication. This work has put an end to the long debate on the ancestry of the yeast genome that started nearly seven years ago with the completion of its sequencing.

Genome duplication in vertebrates. More recently, in collaboration with Genoscope, we undertook the comparison of the tetraodon and human genomes, and recognized a similar signature of duplicate mapping. Studying the gene correspondence between human genes and their orthologs in fish chromosomes, we showed that the human genome was doubly covered by interleaved stretches of homology to pairs of fish chromosomes. We had thus revealed that the signature of whole-genome duplication exists in the fish genome, pointing to an event common to zebrafish, fugu, and pufferfish. Our results illustrate that the signatures of evolutionary change were in fact applicable across kingdoms, exhibiting basic principles of evolutionary mechanisms.

Emergence of new gene functions. Additionally, the study of evolutionary divergence rates in duplicated genes, and their comparison with their non-duplicated counterparts allowed me to study the emergence of new functions by gene duplication at the genome scale. We were able to distinguish between two proposed evolutionary models of neofunctionalization and showed that Ohno's model[57] is correct in 95% of cases of accelerated divergence: one gene copy preserved the ancestral function, while the other copy was free to diverge. The new functions included gene silencing, anti-viral defense mechanisms, and new signaling pathways. Moreover, as a group, the ancestral and derived function genes show distinct patterns in expression, localization, and generality of function.

Conclusion. My preliminary studies in understanding evolution have revealed powerful methods for genome comparison, and basic principles underlying eukaryotic gene and genome evolution. However, to understand how evolutionary change happens affects global cellular processes, we need to further these studies and understand the precise evolution of gene families, the evolution of the regulatory networks that control them, and the reshaping of protein interaction networks by the forces of gene and genome duplication.