DLCoal: Modeling gene duplications, losses, and coalescence

Documentation for the DLCoal software package

Updated: Dec 21, 2011

Author: Matthew D. Rasmussen (mattrasmus.com, rasmus@alum.mit.edu, matt.rasmus@gmail.com)
Software website: http://compbio.mit.edu/dlcoal

citation: Matthew D. Rasmussen and Manolis Kellis. Unified modeling for gene duplication, loss, and coalescence using a locus tree. Genome Research. 2012.


The DLCoal software package contains several programs reconciling gene trees and inferring their gene duplications and losses. The concepts and algorithms behind the main program, dlcoal_recon, are presented in our DLCoal paper. This documentation describes how to use each of the programs in the software package and defines the various file formats that are used.

For an example of how to run these programs see the examples directory (e.g. analyze-sim-flies.sh).



dlcoal_recon is a program that takes a previously reconstructed gene tree and a species tree and produces a reconciliation, a data-structure that describes how the gene tree "fits inside" the species tree. From this data structure, one can infer gene duplications, losses, and incomplete lineage sorting. Typically, reconciliation is represented as mapping of nodes in a gene tree to the nodes and edges of the species tree. However, DLCoal uses a three-tree model (gene tree, locus tree, and species tree) to represent gene family evolution. Therefore the reconciliation data structure is more than just a single mapping. Instead it is represented as a tuple of four variables: the locus tree TL, the gene-to-locus tree mapping RG, the locus-to-species mapping RL, and the set of daughter nodes δL.

Figure: DLCoal's three tree model. DLCoal assumes a generative process for gene family evolution that follows the following steps. Given a species tree S with known topology and divergence times, a top-down dup-loss process generates a locus tree TL , which contains duplication nodes (star) and each daughter duplicate is indicated by a daughter edge δL (dark red). From the locus tree, the bottom-up multilocus coalescent (MLC) process generates a gene tree TG. Mappings between the trees represented by RG and RL indicate how one tree "fits inside" the other.

Main arguments


This specifies the species tree in Newick format. The branch lengths should be specified in millions of years (myr).


This specifies a gene to species map.


This specifies an effective population size Ne to use for every branch in the species tree. Branch-specific population sizes are also possible.


This specifies the rate of a gene duplication (dups/gene/myr) present throughout all branches of the species tree.

-L LOSS_RATE, --lossrate=LOSS_RATE

This specifies the rate of a gene loss (losses/gene/myr) present throughout all branches of the species tree.


This specifies the generation time (years) present throughout all branches of the species tree. Branch-specific generation times are also possible.


This specifies the number of search iterations to perform

File extensions


This specifies the input file extension (default='') of the gene tree. This extension will be stripped from the input filename in order to determine the output file prefix "PREFIX".


This specifies the output file extension (default='.dlcoal') for all output files. Every output file will have the form "$PREFIX$OUTPUT_EXT.*" (e.g. "my_input_prefix.dlcoal.locus.recon").



This specifies the number of prescreening iterations to use in the locus tree search (default=50).


This specifies the number of samples for dup-loss integration (default=100)


This specifies the initial locus tree for search. By default the gene tree topology is used as the initial locus tree.


This specifies the seed for the random number generator. This allows one to produce deterministic results.

-l, --log if given, output debugging log

Outputs logging information to a log file *.log.

-h, --help

Displays a help message

dlcoal_recon output files

DLCoal represents the reconciliation as a tuple of four variables: the locus tree TL, the gene-to-locus tree mapping RG, the locus-to-species mapping RL, and the set of daughter nodes δL. Each of these variables is store in one of the following four output files.

dlcoal_recon also produces two more output files:


The dlcoal_sim program simulates gene trees using the DLCoal model. The program takes the following arguments:

-o OUTPUT_DIR, --outputdir=OUTPUT_DIR

This specifies the output directory for the simulation files.


This specifies the species tree in Newick format. The branch lengths should be specified in millions of years (myr).


This specifies the effective population size (Ne) present in every branch of the species tree.


This specifies the rate of a gene duplication (dups/gene/myr) present in every branch of the species tree.

-L LOSS_RATE, --lossrate=LOSS_RATE

This specifies the rate of gene loss (losses/gene/myr) present in every branch of the species tree.


This specifies the generation time (years) for every branch in the species tree.


This specifies the number of simulated gene trees to create.


This specifies the minimum number of genes required per family. If a family is simulated with fewer genes (due to gene losses), the family is rejected and and re-simulated.

-h, --help

If given, show the help message.

Output files

dlcoal_sim will produce several simulated gene families each stored in their own directory as follows:

The base directory DATADIR is specified by the -d option and each directory FAMID is numbered between 0 and value specified by the -i option.


The tree-relations program reads from standard input a list of gene tree filenames (one filename per line) and outputs to standard output a relation file (*.rel.txt).

-d, --dir

When given, the directory name containing the gene tree is used as the family id (column 1).


This specifies the species tree in Newick format.


This specifies a gene to species map.

-T TREE_EXT, --treeext=TREE_EXT

This specifies the file extension of the input gene tree.

-R RECON_EXT, --reconext=RECON_EXT

If given, this specifies the file extension of the reconciliation mapping. The reconciliation mapping file is determined by removing the tree file extension and appending the reconciliation file extension.


If given, this suppresses the species id column in the duplication columns.

-h, --help

If given, show the help message.


The tree-relations-cmp program takes two relation files and compares them. Specifically, the program takes two arguments:

tree-relations-cmp FILE1.rel.txt FILE2.rel.txt

FILE1.rel.txt should be a relation file that describes the true relationships within a gene family or series of gene families (i.e. the actual relationships determined from simulated data). FILE2.rel.txt gives the relations reconstructed by a program like dlcoal_recon. The output of the program will look something like the following:

dup actual:     46
dup pred:       49
dup sn:         0.95652173913
dup ppv:        0.897959183673
loss actual:    34
loss pred:      43
loss sn:        0.970588235294
loss ppv:       0.767441860465
orth actual:    6856
orth pred:      6758
orth sn:        0.985414235706
orth ppv:       0.999704054454

This output describes the performance of the reconciliation algorithm compared to the truth. Performance is measured for gene duplications (dup), gene losses (loss), and orthologs (orth). For each type of event or relationship, both the actual and predicted (pred) counts are reported. In addition, the sensitivity (sn) and the positive predictive value (ppv; also known as precision) are given.

Note: sensitivity = true positives / (true positives + false negatives). precision = true positives / (true positives + false positives).

Preparing your data set

Restrictions on gene IDs and species IDs. Due to the file formats that DLCoal uses, there as several restrictions on what IDs are allowed. Many of these restrictions are common for other similar phylogenetic software. The safest IDs follow these restrictions:

  1. the first and last characters of the ID are a-z A-Z 0-9 _ - .
  2. the middle characters can be a-z A-Z 0-9 _ - . or the space character ' '.
  3. the ID should not be purely numerical characters 0-9
  4. the ID should be unique within a gene tree or within a species tree

Space characters are discouraged from gene IDs and species IDs since they will probably cause problems with other bioinfomatic software that you may use (although DLCoal can handle spaces). Characters such as parentheses "(" ")" and colons ":" are not allowed because the newick file format uses these characters for describing the structure of the tree.

It is also easier to use gene IDs that have a prefix or suffix that indicates the species ID. For example "human_HOXC5" is a human gene. This is not a requirement, but it does make preparing a gene to species mapping file (*.smap) easier.

File formats

Species tree file format (*.stree)

Species trees should be specified using the Newick file format. Beyond the newick format, DLCoal has only a few additional requirements. First, the species names given in the species tree should match those given in the SMAP file. Second, the branch lengths of the species tree should be expressed in units of time (see figure). Any unit of time can be used (e.g. millions of years, generations, relative units, etc). The only requirement is that the duplication and loss rates are also expressed in compatible units. Therefore, if branch lengths are in millions of years, the duplication rate (specified by dlcoal_recon's "-D" option) should be in units of duplications/gene/million years.

Naming ancestral nodes. DLCoal also supports naming ancestral nodes in the species tree using the newick format. For example, the parental node of human and chimp can be named primate using the following syntax:


If ancestral nodes are named, they will be used in the output of the reconciliation mapping.

Figure: Example *.stree file and corresponding tree. This file (top) specifies the species tree (bottom) using the newick file format. Branch lengths should be expressed in units of time (e.g. millions of years). Ancestral nodes can also optionally be named (the names "n1", "n2", etc are used in this example).

Branch-specific parameters

Several parameters for DLCoal can be specified in a branch-specific way. Currently, the effective population size and generation time parameters can be configured in this way. This is done by using the comment section within the species tree newick file. The comment section has the format:


where &&NHX: must appear first followed by a series of key-value pairs each of which are separated by colons ":". One comment section can appear after every node in the newick file. For example, the following species tree has comments after every node:


The following keys are currently supported by dlcoal_recon:

Gene to species name mapping file format (*.smap)

DLCoal uses a special file format (*.smap) to specify which genes belong to which species. Each line contains two tab-delimited fields:

  1. pattern matching a gene ID
  2. species ID

Only 3 types of gene ID patterns are supported. The pattern can either be an exact matching string, a prefix (denoted "text*"), or a suffix (denoted "*text"). The "*" is the only special wildcard character.

The species ID should be the same as those used in the species tree. All patterns and IDs are case-sensitive.

When mapping a gene ID to a species ID all exact matches are processed first. If no exact match is found, the patterns are then processed in the same order as they appear in the file until a match is found. For example in the SMAP file given below, the gene ID "YALI123" should match the species "ylip", instead of "scer", because the pattern "YALI*" occurs before "Y*".

A*      agos
orf19*  calb
CDUG_*  cdub
CAGL*   cgla
IPF_*   cgla
CGUG_*  cgui
sbay_*  sbay
scas_*  scas
smik_*  smik
spar_*  spar
SCP*    spom
YALI*   ylip
Y*      scer
Q*      scer
Figure: Example *.smap file. This file specifies how to map gene names to their corresponding species. The first column indicates a gene name pattern (in this case a prefix) and the second column specifies a species name. Note: this example only gives a partial list of the species in the species tree above.

Reconciliation file format (*.recon)

The dlcoal_recon and mpr programs both produce reconciliation mappings which are stored in the reconciliation file format (*.recon) (see reconcile example). The reconciliation file format is tab-delimited, where each line has three fields:

  1. gene node ID.
  2. species node ID.
  3. event (one of the following: "gene", "spec", "dup", "none")

Each line specifies the mapping of one node in the gene tree (field 1) to one node or branch in the species tree (field 2). Branches are indicated using the node ID directly below it (i.e. the younger of the two incident nodes). The lines can be given in any order within the file.

If the gene node is a leaf, it will map to a leaf in the species tree and the event field will contain the event "gene". All internal nodes of the gene tree are marked either as speciations (event "spec") or duplications (event "dup"). Specaition nodes map directly to the indicated species node, and duplication nodes map to the indicated species branch. The time of the duplication along the species branch is not indicated in this file format nor is it inferred by DLCoal. If the event is unknown or represents coalescence the "none" keyword is used in column 3.

If gene IDs are not given to the ancestral nodes of a gene tree or species tree, DLCoal will by default name them with "nXXX" where XXX is the preorder traversal of the internal nodes.

KLLA0C08239g  klac  gene  
ADL072C       agos  gene  
kwal_5828     kwal  gene  
CAGL0J02970g  cgla  gene  
scas_g715.48  scas  gene  
smik_6662     smik  gene  
sbay_7039     sbay  gene  
smik_6659     smik  gene  
sbay_7037     sbay  gene  
YER061C       scer  gene  
spar_6281     spar  gene  
n10           n5    spec  
n9            n7    spec  
n8            n6    spec  
n7            n5    spec  
n6            n5    dup   
n5            n3    spec  
n4            n3    spec   
n3            n9    spec  
n2            n8    spec  
n1            n2    spec  
Figure: Example *.recon file. The reconciliation file format (top) specifies how all the nodes in a gene tree (bottom) map to the nodes and branches in the species tree (see species tree example). Notice that gene node "n6" (red dot) represents a duplication event along species branch "n5" (shown in the species tree example). The gene tree and species tree have their own name space (e.g. "n5" in the gene tree is not the same as "n5" in the species tree).

Special notes about DLCoal's use of reconciliation mappings

As we discuss in the DLCoal paper, DLCoal uses a three-tree model of gene family evolution (gene tree, locus tree, species tree). dlcoal_recon constructs mappings between the gene tree and locus tree as well as between the locus tree and species tree. Both of these mappings are stored in the reconciliation file format (*.recon). For more information on how to interpret these mappings see dlcoal_recon output files.

Daughter nodes file format (*.daughters)

Part of DLCoal's reconciliation representation is the set of daughter nodes δL in the locus tree TL. This set is stored in a very simple file format (*.daughters). Each line of a *.daughters file contains one locus node ID that belongs to the daughter set. The node IDs can be specified in any order.

Gene relationship file format (*.rel.txt)

After reconciling a gene tree, the tree-relations program can be used to determine the relationship (i.e. orthology, paralogy, etc) between genes in a gene family. These relationships are stored in a special file format called a relation file (*.rel.txt). The file format is tab-delimited and has the following columns:

  1. famid
  2. relationship type (one of "gene", "spec", "dup", "loss")
  3. relationship type specific data, see below
  4. all additional columns are also relationship type specific

Each row specifies one "relationship" between sets of genes. The kind of relationship is indicated by column 2 (relationship type) and are defined as follows.

gene relationship

Relationship "gene" has the columns:

  1. gene id

This indicates that the gene with gene id belongs to family famid.

spec (speciation/ortholog) relationship

Relationship "spec" (speciation) has the columns:

  1. gene1,gene2,gene3,... genes on the left side of a speciation node
  2. geneA,geneB,geneC,... genes on the right side of a speciation node
  3. species id

Two genes are defined to be orthologs if their most recent common ancestor (MRCA) is a speciation node in the gene tree. The "spec" relationship specifies a speciation node that reconciles to the species species id and it also indicates all the descendants in its left (column 3) and right (column 4) subtrees. Therefore, every pair of genes from column 3 and column 4 is an ortholog pair. The ortholog pairs for the above example are:

gene1 geneA
gene1 geneB
gene1 geneC
gene2 geneA
gene2 geneB
gene2 geneC
gene3 geneA
gene3 geneB
gene3 geneC

dup (duplication/paralog) relationship

The relationship "dup" (duplication) has the columns:

  1. gene1,gene2,gene3,... genes on the left side of a duplication node
  2. geneA,geneB,geneC,... genes on the right side of a duplication node
  3. species id

The "dup" relationship is defined in a veyr similar way as the "spec" relationship. Two genes are defined to be paralogs if their most recent common ancestor (MRCA) is a duplication node in the gene tree. The "dup" relationship specifies a duplication node that reconciles to the species branch species id and it also indicates all the descendants in its left (column 3) and right (column 4) subtrees. Therefore, every pair of genes from column 3 and column 4 is a paralog pair.

loss relationship

The relationship "loss" has the columns:

  1. gene node id
  2. species branch id

The loss relationship indicates that a gene was lost in this gene family (famid). Column 3 gives the node id in the gene tree where an addition branch was expected to branch off, but is not present because it has been lost. Column 4 gives the species branch in which the gene loss occurred.

Complete example

For example of a complete relation file for a single gene family, see the figure below. The relation file format is also designed to store the relationships of multiple gene families at the same time. Simply use a unique famid in column 1 for each gene family.

100.yeast.tree	gene	YER061C
100.yeast.tree	gene	spar_6281
100.yeast.tree	gene	smik_6662
100.yeast.tree	gene	sbay_7039
100.yeast.tree	gene	smik_6659
100.yeast.tree	gene	sbay_7037
100.yeast.tree	gene	CAGL0J02970g
100.yeast.tree	gene	scas_g715.48
100.yeast.tree	gene	kwal_5828
100.yeast.tree	gene	ADL072C
100.yeast.tree	gene	KLLA0C08239g
100.yeast.tree	spec	sbay_7037	smik_6659	n5
100.yeast.tree	spec	YER061C,spar_6281	smik_6662	n6
100.yeast.tree	spec	YER061C	spar_6281	n7
100.yeast.tree	dup	YER061C,sbay_7039,smik_6662,spar_6281	sbay_7037,smik_6659	5
100.yeast.tree	spec	ADL072C,KLLA0C08239g,kwal_5828	CAGL0J02970g,YER061C,sbay_7037,sbay_7039,scas_g715.48,smik_6659,smik_6662,spar_6281	n2
100.yeast.tree	spec	ADL072C,KLLA0C08239g	kwal_5828	n8
100.yeast.tree	spec	ADL072C	KLLA0C08239g	n9
100.yeast.tree	spec	CAGL0J02970g,YER061C,sbay_7037,sbay_7039,smik_6659,smik_6662,spar_6281	scas_g715.48	n3
100.yeast.tree	spec	CAGL0J02970g	YER061C,sbay_7037,sbay_7039,smik_6659,smik_6662,spar_6281	n4
100.yeast.tree	spec	YER061C,smik_6662,spar_6281	sbay_7039	n5
100.yeast.tree	loss	smik_6659	n7
Figure: Example relation file (*.rel.txt) The relation file (top) describes on each line a different gene relationship that exists in the gene family (below).

Special note about gene id ordering

Often times users will want to compare different relation files generated for the same gene families. For example, one might want to compare the true relationships from a simulated data set and the reconstructed relationships using DLCoalRecon or another method. This can be done using the tree-relations-cmp program, which can directly compare two relation files.

In order to facilitate comparison of relation files the tree-relations program outputs gene ids for the "spec" and "dup" relationships in a deterministic order. Specifically, gene ids are sorted in alphabetical order within columns 3 and 4 and the subtree with the alphabetically least gene id is given in column 3. Therefore, we can define that a particular duplication is present within two different relation files if we have the same values for columns 3 and 4 (and optionally 5) for a "dup" relation in both relation files.
