
Preprocessing using ACTIONet framework

sce = readRDS('reduced_sce_PBMC_annotated.RDS')

ACTIONet.out = readRDS('ACTIONet_out_PBMC.RDS')

# For testing purposes
Bcell.cols = which(sce$Labels == "B cell")
marker.genes = c('CD19', 'CD22', 'CD4', 'CD8A', 'CD14')
marker.rows = match(marker.genes, rownames(sce))


W = ACTIONet.out$signature.profile[, ACTIONet.out$core.out$core.archs]
H = ACTIONet.out$reconstruct.out$H_stacked[ACTIONet.out$core.out$core.archs, ]
A =  W %*% H

Estimate gene activity score within B-cell sub-population

# It can be any imputed profile

activity.scores = SCINET::compute_gene_activities(A = A, samples = Bcell.cols, thread_no = 8)

X = t(activity.scores[marker.rows, ])

colnames(X) = marker.genes
df = reshape2::melt(X)
colnames(df) = c('id', 'gene', 'activity')

ggplot(df, aes(x=activity, fill=gene)) +

## Estimate gene activities within the ACTIONet framework
activity.scores.ACTIONet = SCINET::compute_gene_activities_decoupled(archetypes = W, H = H , samples = Bcell.cols, thread_no = 8)

rownames(activity.scores) = rownames(sce)
rownames(activity.scores.ACTIONet) = rownames(sce)

# Results should be identical
delta.df = data.frame(ACTIONet = activity.scores.ACTIONet[marker.genes[1], ], generic = activity.scores[marker.genes[1], ])
delta = delta.df$ACTIONet - delta.df$generic
## [1] 0

Load GAAD network as the reference interactome

Downloaded from GAAD

G = readRDS('GAAD_net.RDS')
paired.datasets = pair.datasets(G, activity.scores)

EL = get.edgelist(G, names = FALSE)

G.adj = as(get.adjacency(paired.datasets$net), 'dgTMatrix')

edge.idx = (G.adj@i)*nrow(G.adj) + (G.adj@j+1)

Unscaffolded networks, generic expression

# Construct B-cell specific all-to-all networks for the first 30 B-cell samples
Bcell.nets = construct_cell_networks_noPrior(gene_activities = paired.datasets$activity.scores[, 1:30], thread_no = 8)

## Aggregate networks and compute stats
# Mu = Reduce("+", Bcell.nets) / length(Bcell.nets)
# Delta = lapply(Bcell.nets, function(X) (X - Mu)^2)
# Sigma = Reduce("+", Delta) / length(Bcell.nets)

netTensor = array( unlist(Bcell.nets) , c(length(paired.datasets$genes), length(paired.datasets$genes), length(Bcell.nets)) )

Mu = apply( netTensor , 1:2 , mean )
Sigma = apply( netTensor , 1:2 , sd )

CV = Sigma / Mu
CV[] = 0
CV[is.infinite(CV)] = 0

# Print top-20 most significant topologically specific genes
## png 
##   2 = graph_from_adjacency_matrix(Mu, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE)

topo.spec.noRef = topo.spec(, sample_no = 100)
print(paired.datasets$genes[order(topo.spec.noRef, decreasing = TRUE)[1:20]])
##  [1] "MS4A1"    "IGHD"     "CD79B"    "HLA-DQA1" "BANK1"    "CD74"    
##  [7] "IRF8"     "PRKCB"    "HLA-DQB1" "IL4R"     "CD22"     "FCRLA"   
## [13] "FCRL1"    "CD40"     "CD72"     "HLA-DPB1" "HLA-DOB"  "BLK"     
## [19] "FCRL2"    "CD19"
## Print top-20 most variable genes in terms of interactions

## png 
##   2 = graph_from_adjacency_matrix(CV, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE)

var.topo.spec.noRef = topo.spec(, sample_no = 100)
print(paired.datasets$genes[order(var.topo.spec.noRef, decreasing = TRUE)[1:20]])
##  [1] "CAPZB"    "PTPRC"    "SLC9A3R1" "SELPLG"   "RGS14"    "DLD"     
##  [7] "NDFIP1"   "FYN"      "CENPB"    "SLC3A2"   "PHF19"    "RUNX1"   
## [13] "PNP"      "CASP8"    "RASSF5"   "STAT1"    "OAS2"     "OASL"    
## [19] "GCH1"     "PTGER4"
write.table(paired.datasets$genes[order(var.topo.spec.noRef, decreasing = TRUE)], file = "var_genes_cv.txt", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

Use GAAD network as reference

# Construct B-cell specific reference-based networks for the first 30 B-cell samples
Bcell.nets.ref = construct_cell_networks(net = G.adj, gene_activities = paired.datasets$activity.scores[, 1:10], thread_no = 8)

## Aggregate networks and compute stats
Mu.ref = Reduce("+", Bcell.nets.ref) / length(Bcell.nets.ref) = graph_from_adjacency_matrix(Mu.ref, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE)

topo.spec.withRef = topo.spec(, sample_no = 100)
print(paired.datasets$genes[order(topo.spec.withRef, decreasing = TRUE)[1:20]])
##  [1] "IRF8"     "PXK"      "CD72"     "CCR6"     "DNASE1L3" "CR2"     
##  [7] "CD19"     "IL4R"     "CD24"     "BANK1"    "FCGR2B"   "IFI16"   
## [13] "CD79B"    "CD200"    "HLA-DQA1" "BACH2"    "CD40"     "IRAK1"   
## [19] "WDFY4"    "CXCR4"

Subsampling gene activities

subsampled.activity.scores = subsample_gene_activities(A = A, rows = 1:nrow(A), samples = Bcell.cols, thread_no = 8, total_subsamples = 30, cells_per_subsample = 10, seed = 0)

rownames(subsampled.activity.scores) = rownames(A)

paired.datasets.subsampled = pair.datasets(G, subsampled.activity.scores)

Run SCINET on the subsamples

# Construct B-cell specific reference-based networks for the first 30 B-cell samples
Bcell.nets.ref.subsampled = construct_cell_networks(net = G.adj, gene_activities = paired.datasets.subsampled$activity.scores, thread_no = 8)

## Aggregate networks and compute stats
Mu.ref.subsampled = Reduce("+", Bcell.nets.ref.subsampled) / length(Bcell.nets.ref.subsampled) = graph_from_adjacency_matrix(Mu.ref.subsampled, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE)

topo.spec.withRef.subsampled = topo.spec(, sample_no = 100)
print(paired.datasets$genes[order(topo.spec.withRef.subsampled, decreasing = TRUE)[1:20]])
##  [1] "CD79B"    "CD40"     "CD22"     "IRF8"     "CD72"     "FCRL1"   
##  [7] "FCRL2"    "IL4R"     "CD19"     "BANK1"    "IGHD"     "CD24"    
## [13] "MS4A1"    "FCRLA"    "HLA-DQA1" "BLK"      "TLR10"    "POU2AF1" 
## [19] "CD200"    "WDFY4"

Use subsampling

# Construct B-cell specific reference-based networks for the first 30 B-cell samples
Bcell.nets.ref.subsampled.aggregated = construct_cell_networks_summary(net = G.adj, gene_activities = paired.datasets.subsampled$activity.scores, thread_no = 8, total_subsamples = 30, cells_per_subsample = 10, seed = 0)

## Aggregate networks and compute stats
Mu.ref.subsampled.aggregated = Reduce("+", Bcell.nets.ref.subsampled.aggregated) / length(Bcell.nets.ref.subsampled.aggregated) = graph_from_adjacency_matrix(Mu.ref.subsampled.aggregated, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE)

topo.spec.withRef.subsampled.aggregated = topo.spec(, sample_no = 100)
print(paired.datasets$genes[order(topo.spec.withRef.subsampled.aggregated, decreasing = TRUE)[1:20]])
##  [1] "FCRL1"    "FCRL2"    "CD19"     "CD79B"    "CD40"     "IRF8"    
##  [7] "CD72"     "BANK1"    "IL4R"     "FCRLA"    "BLK"      "CD22"    
## [13] "CD24"     "WDFY4"    "CD200"    "MS4A1"    "IGHD"     "HLA-DQA1"
## [19] "CR2"      "CNTNAP2"
X = cbind(topo.spec.noRef=topo.spec.noRef, topo.spec.withRef=topo.spec.withRef, topo.spec.withRef.subsampled=topo.spec.withRef.subsampled, topo.spec.withRef.subsampled.aggregated=topo.spec.withRef.subsampled.aggregated)

X[is.infinite(X)] = NA

CC = cor(X, use = 'complete.obs')