This tutorial provides examples of how to run simplified version of the SCINET to construct archetype, cluster, and cell type-specific networks for downstream analysis. Please visit SCINET for SCINET installation instruction.


Load dataset

ace = readRDS(file.path(input_path, "input_sce.RDS"))
ace = reduce.ace(ace = ace)
ACTIONet_results = run.ACTIONet(ace = ace)

ace = ACTIONet_results$ace

Annotate nonredundant archetypes

Annotating archetypes using known markers:

marker.genes = curatedMarkers_human$Blood$PBMC$Ding2019$marker.genes
arch.annot = annotate.archetypes.using.markers(ace, marker.genes)
[1] "Computing significance scores"
Heatmap(arch.annot$Enrichment, rect_gp = gpar(col = "black"))

Bcell.idx = which.max(arch.annot$Enrichment[, "B cell"])

From the visualization, we can see that the core archetype 6 corresponds to B-cells:


Archetype-specific networks

The main function to construct archetype-specific networks is run.SCINET.archetype. It returns a list of igraph objects, one per core arcehtype (which matches with the enrichment heatmap we generated earlier):

# devtools::install_github('shmohammadi86/SCINET')

archetype.networks = run.SCINET.archetype(ace)
[1] "Preprocessing the baseline interactome"
[1] "Constructing networks"
[1] "Post-processing networks\n"

According to the enrichment heatmap we generated earlier, archetype 6 corresponds to Bcells. Let’s extract its corresponding network: = archetype.networks[[Bcell.idx]]

Next, we show the top-10 hub genes of the network. These are typically generic hubs in the global interactome. Some of these genes (like TP53) are simply over-sampled due to its importance and have been more reported interactions for it:

w = igraph::strength(

print(V($name[order(w, decreasing = T)[1:20]])
 [1] "JUN"       "TP53"      "MYC"       "XPO1"      "HSPA4"     "PSMC6"    
 [7] "PARP1"     "PPP1CC"    "HDAC1"     "RB1"       "ELAVL1"    "HSP90AB1" 
[13] "HDAC2"     "HNRNPA2B1" "UBA52"     "PIK3CA"    "YWHAZ"     "CCT2"     
[19] "SHOC2"     "MCM7"     

Now we look at the top-10 topologically-specific genes in this networks. All these genes match with key genes in B-cell-specific pathways, including MHCII complex:

topo.spec.scores = V($specificity

print(V($name[order(topo.spec.scores, decreasing = T)[1:20]])
 [1] "IRF8"     "CD22"     "CD37"     "CD19"     "HLA-DQB1" "CD79B"   
 [7] "CD40"     "CD74"     "HLA-DMB"  "HLA-DQA1" "SPIB"     "CD79A"   
[13] "HLA-DMA"  "CD72"     "TCL1A"    "PRKCB"    "FCGR2B"   "HLA-DRA" 
[19] "HLA-DOB"  "HLA-DPA1"

Evaluate the largest module in B-cell network

We now find cell-type-specific protein clusters in the B-cell network, and perform enrichment anlaysis for the genes in the largest module:

clusters = unsigned_cluster(as(get.adjacency(, "sparseMatrix"), resolution_parameter = 2)
  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20 
381 226 216 172 119 117 110 105 104  92  84  84  69  69  67  62  60  34  29  29 
 21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31 
 27  21  20  17  16  13  12  10   8   7   5 
module.genes = V($name[clusters == 1]

# Perform functional enrichment on the largest gene module
Bcell.module.enrichment = gost(module.genes, sources = "REAC")
terms.tbl = Bcell.module.enrichment$result[, c("term_name", "p_value")]

1                                                                       Immune System
2                                                              Adaptive Immune System
3                                                 Cytokine Signaling in Immune system
4                                                                Innate Immune System
5                                                          Interferon gamma signaling
6                                                   G alpha (12/13) signalling events
7  Antigen activates B Cell Receptor (BCR) leading to generation of second messengers
8                                              Signaling by the B Cell Receptor (BCR)
9                                                    Costimulation by the CD28 family
10                                                               Interferon Signaling
11                                     Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation
12                                                                     PD-1 signaling
13                                                                         Hemostasis
14                                                                   Rho GTPase cycle
15                                                      G alpha (q) signalling events
16                                         Phosphorylation of CD3 and TCR zeta chains
17                                                   GPVI-mediated activation cascade
18                                                      G alpha (z) signalling events
19                                                                 Integrin signaling
20                                                G beta:gamma signalling through BTK
21                                   Translocation of ZAP-70 to Immunological synapse
22                                                                  Signaling by VEGF
23                                                    G-protein beta:gamma signalling
24                                         Thromboxane signalling through TP receptor
25                                                               VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway
26                                                                    DAP12 signaling
27                                          G beta:gamma signalling through PI3Kgamma
28                                                   FCERI mediated Ca+2 mobilization
29                                              Platelet Aggregation (Plug Formation)
30                                                                Signal Transduction
31                                                               Platelet homeostasis
32                                                  MHC class II antigen presentation
33                                                               G-protein activation
34                         Glucagon-like Peptide-1 (GLP1) regulates insulin secretion
35                              Prostacyclin signalling through prostacyclin receptor
36                                             Signaling by Receptor Tyrosine Kinases
37                  Thrombin signalling through proteinase activated receptors (PARs)
1  1.989935e-28
2  1.950337e-14
3  1.089729e-10
4  2.724688e-09
5  5.437217e-09
6  1.524453e-08
7  4.006636e-08
8  5.959575e-07
9  1.618298e-06
10 1.862963e-06
11 3.084046e-06
12 1.783099e-05
13 4.762920e-05
14 6.868149e-05
15 2.449853e-04
16 2.610667e-04
17 4.560932e-04
18 5.754619e-04
19 6.594644e-04
20 9.374931e-04
21 1.881475e-03
22 2.021712e-03
23 2.991141e-03
24 4.618054e-03
25 4.825873e-03
26 7.788143e-03
27 7.788143e-03
28 9.336189e-03
29 9.943523e-03
30 1.012986e-02
31 1.152676e-02
32 1.255376e-02
33 1.561550e-02
34 1.961962e-02
35 2.466622e-02
36 2.724751e-02
37 2.876640e-02
 [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 11 rows ]

Construct cluster/annotation-specific networks

As an alternative, one may provide any cell annotations to perform cell-type-specific analysis. Here, we annotate cells using markers, and use it to identify context-specific networks

Annotate cells using known markers

We use Ding2019 markers for a coarse-grained annotation of cells:

PBMC.markers = curatedMarkers_human$Blood$PBMC$Ding2019$marker.genes
annot.out = annotate.cells.using.markers(ace, marker.genes = PBMC.markers)
[1] "Using PageRank for imptation of marker genes"
[1] "Computing significance scores"
# Verify annotations
plot.ACTIONet(ace, annot.out$Labels, transparency.attr = ace$node_centrality)

## Compute gene-specificity The first necessary step is to compute specificity of genes for each cell type/annotation

celltypes = names(annot.out$Labels)

ace = compute.cluster.feature.specificity(ace, celltypes, "celltype_specificity_scores")

Constructing networks

This time we will use annotated cell types as baseline annotation to construct networks:

Celltype.specific.networks = run.SCINET.clusters(ace, = "celltype_specificity_scores")
[1] "Preprocessing the baseline interactome"
[1] "Constructing networks"
[1] "Post-processing networks\n"

Checking results

This time, we will have a look at T cells for fun! = Celltype.specific.networks$`B cell`

Verify top-ranked topologically-specific genes

topo.spec.scores = V($specificity

print(V($name[order(topo.spec.scores, decreasing = T)[1:20]])
 [1] "CD37"     "IRF8"     "CD22"     "HLA-DOB"  "CD79B"    "CD19"    
 [7] "HLA-DQA1" "CD40"     "HLA-DQB1" "BANK1"    "SPIB"     "CD74"    
[13] "HLA-DMA"  "HLA-DMB"  "CD72"     "CD79A"    "TCL1A"    "HLA-DRA" 
[19] "HLA-DPA1" "FCGR2B"  

Evaluate the largest module in B-cell network

We now find cell-type-specific protein clusters in the B-cell network, and perform enrichment anlaysis for the genes in the largest module:

clusters = unsigned_cluster(as(get.adjacency(, "sparseMatrix"), resolution_parameter = 2)

module.genes = V($name[clusters == 1]

# Perform functional enrichment on the largest gene module
Bcell.module.enrichment = gost(module.genes, sources = "REAC")
terms.tbl = Bcell.module.enrichment$result[, c("term_name", "p_value")]

1                                                                       Immune System
2                                                              Adaptive Immune System
3                                                 Cytokine Signaling in Immune system
4                                                          Interferon gamma signaling
5                                                                Interferon Signaling
6                                                                Innate Immune System
7                                              Signaling by the B Cell Receptor (BCR)
8                                                    Costimulation by the CD28 family
9  Antigen activates B Cell Receptor (BCR) leading to generation of second messengers
10                                                                     PD-1 signaling
11                                         Phosphorylation of CD3 and TCR zeta chains
12                                                  MHC class II antigen presentation
13                                   Translocation of ZAP-70 to Immunological synapse
14                                                  TNFR2 non-canonical NF-kB pathway
15                                                    Interferon alpha/beta signaling
16                                                        Toll-like Receptor Cascades
17           Immunoregulatory interactions between a Lymphoid and a non-Lymphoid cell
18                                                      G alpha (i) signalling events
19                                                Toll Like Receptor 4 (TLR4) Cascade
20                                           Generation of second messenger molecules
21                                                      G alpha (q) signalling events
22                                                          Signaling by Interleukins
23                                                                GPCR ligand binding
24                                                          Diseases of Immune System
25                                 Diseases associated with the TLR signaling cascade
26                                             TRAF3-dependent IRF activation pathway
1  8.494243e-30
2  9.041483e-16
3  1.212328e-13
4  1.259336e-11
5  6.953805e-10
6  9.253867e-09
7  7.913147e-07
8  1.594067e-06
9  2.650788e-06
10 3.444521e-06
11 6.251964e-05
12 2.334948e-04
13 5.535774e-04
14 1.187569e-03
15 1.832260e-03
16 2.565391e-03
17 3.627135e-03
18 1.026613e-02
19 1.106366e-02
20 1.537347e-02
21 2.246696e-02
22 2.502485e-02
23 2.584524e-02
24 3.035340e-02
25 3.035340e-02
26 4.422284e-02

Arbitrary annotations

For any arbitrary labeling of cells, you can add it as an annotation using function add.cell.annotations and then use a similar procedure