To batch correct or not to batch correct, that is the question!
For this tutorial, we will use the PBMC cells profiled in the following paper: Systematic comparison of single-cell and single-nucleus RNA-sequencing methods. You can download the datasets for all tutorials from here: datasets.
Loading ACTIONet
To start, you need to load the ACTIONet package. For the ACTIONet installation instruction, see ACTIONet repository.
Importing data
We have preprocessed and stored the PBMC 3k dataset as an SCE
object, which is one of the main datatype used as input to the ACTIONet framework. For more information on how to convert different datatypes to SingleCellExperiment
format, please consult our tutorial on PortingData: Import/export options in the ACTIONet framework.
Without batch-correction
Reducing the ACE
Next, we use the reduce.ace()
function to both normalize the counts’ matrix (lib-size normalization + log-transformation, by default) and compute a factorized (reduced) form of the kernel matrix (50 by default). By default, no batch correction is performed, and the simplest depth-normalization method is used. We then save the output for future use.
Running ACTIONet
The main function for ACTIONet construction is run.ACTIONet()
. The default settings should be a good starting point for most applications.
class: ACTIONetExperiment
dim: 16518 11485
metadata(1): normalization.method
assays(2): counts logcounts
rownames(16518): Gnai3 Cdc45 ... Muc16 Cfap99
rowData names(2): Symbol Ensemble_Gene_ID
colnames(11485): CORTEX1_SMART_SEQ2.M2_EXPT2_1
colData names(10): NAME nGene ... assigned_archetype node_centrality
rowMaps(1): unified_feature_specificity
colMaps(5): ACTION ACTIONred ACTIONet2D ACTIONet3D denovo_color
colNets(1): ACTIONet
Automated cell-annotation
If we had no cell type labels, we can use known markers and the constructed ACTIONet graph to annotate cell types:
load(file.path(input_path, "mouse_cortex_marker.rda"))
annot.out = annotate.cells.using.markers(ace, marker.genes = marker)
[1] "Using PageRank for imptation of marker genes"
[1] "Computing significance scores"
Visualizing results
In this case, we do also have prior annotation of both cell types and batches. Let’s show them side-by-side to see how they are distributed over ACTIONet:
Oops! It looks that cells are dominantly grouped based on the single-cell technology instead of their cell-type! Mostly, inter-mixing of batches (or lack-there-of) is a measure to decide if we need to batch correct.
With batch-correction
Constructing batch vector
In this experiment, there are two factors affecting the measurements, one is the technology (“Method”) and the other is the experimental batch (“Experimet”). We create a joint factor from both:
10x Chromium.Cortex1 DroNc-seq.Cortex1 sci-RNA-seq.Cortex1
1440 1427 1145
Smart-seq2.Cortex1 10x Chromium.Cortex2 DroNc-seq.Cortex2
295 3720 430
sci-RNA-seq.Cortex2 Smart-seq2.Cortex2
2679 349
Now we use ACTION+Harmony to jointly reduced and batch-correct data:
… and now we re-run ACTIONet using the reduced+corrected ACE
corrected.ACTIONet_results = run.ACTIONet(corrected.ace, full.trace = T)
corrected.ace = corrected.ACTIONet_results$ace
class: ACTIONetExperiment
dim: 16518 11485
metadata(1): normalization.method
assays(2): counts logcounts
rownames(16518): Gnai3 Cdc45 ... Muc16 Cfap99
rowData names(2): Symbol Ensemble_Gene_ID
colnames(11485): CORTEX1_SMART_SEQ2.M2_EXPT2_1
colData names(10): NAME nGene ... assigned_archetype node_centrality
rowMaps(1): unified_feature_specificity
colMaps(5): ACTION ACTIONred ACTIONet2D ACTIONet3D denovo_color
colNets(1): ACTIONet
Automated cell-annotation
Let’s re-annotate cells
[1] "Using PageRank for imptation of marker genes"
[1] "Computing significance scores"
Much better! Now let’s have a look at the batches and prior annotations.