SPIMAP: Species Informed Maximum A Posteriori Gene Tree Reconstruction

Documentation for the SPIMAP software package

Updated: Dec 22, 2011

Author: Matthew D. Rasmussen (mattrasmus.com, rasmus@alum.mit.edu, matt.rasmus@gmail.com)
Software website: http://compbio.mit.edu/spimap

citation: Matthew D. Rasmussen and Manolis Kellis. A Bayesian Approach for Fast and Accurate Gene Tree Reconstruction. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2010. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msq189.


The SPIMAP software package contains several programs reconstructing gene trees and inferring their gene duplications and losses. The concepts and algorithms behind the main program, spimap, are presented in our SPIMAP paper. This documentation describes how to use each of the programs in the software package and defines the various file formats that are used.

For an example of how to run these programs see the examples directory (e.g. examples/analyze-fungi.sh).


Figure: Example gene family with a gene duplication (star) and a gene loss (red "X"). The gene tree (black tree) can be thought of as evolving "inside" of the specie stree (blue tree).

Note: This documentation is currently under development and will be regularly updated with more information about the SPIMAP software package.



The main SPIMAP algorithm is implemented in the spimap program. The purpose of this program is reconstruct gene trees from DNA alignments. Accurately reconstructing gene trees is a challenging problem. SPIMAP's strategy is to more accurately reconstruct gene trees by using additional information learned from the species tree and the genome.

This genome-wide information is captured in two sets of parameters that the spimap program needs. The first set are gene duplication and loss rates (λ and μ). You can either specify these rates based on previously performed studies, or you can use the spimap-train-duploss program to learn them from gene counts.

The second set of parameters needed by spimap are substitution rate parameters (βG, α, β). These are estimated from a small subset of trusted purely orthologous gene trees. Once these parameters are learned, they can be used to aid in the reconstruction of more difficult paralogous families. Tthe spimap-train-rates program can be used to estimate these parameters.

The figure below illustrates a computational pipeline for how the three programs spimap, spimap-train-duploss, and spimap-train-rates work together. Additionally, this package also includes several other helper programs that can prepare data sets for training (see spimap-prep-duploss and spimap-prep-rates).

Figure: Computational pipeline for the SPIMAP software package. (a) The typical phylogenomic pipeline consists of several common steps, although particular implementations may vary. The pipeline input is the set of all gene sequences across several species and the known species tree relating the species (blue boxes). Gene sequences are then compared across species and clustered according to their sequence similarity, resulting in a set of homologous gene families. A multiple sequence alignment is then constructed for each gene family, followed by phylogenetic reconstruction of each aligned family to produce gene trees. Each gene tree is then reconciled to the known species tree in order to infer orthologs, paralogs, and gene duplications and loss events, which are the pipeline outputs (orange box).

(b) Our phylogenomic pipeline follows similar steps, except that SPIMAP includes a model parameter estimation step (dashed light green box). Using per-species gene counts in the gene clusters, the spimap-train-duploss program learns duplication and loss rates (λ and μ). Using a subset of trusted orthologous alignments supported by synteny or other information and congruent to the species tree, the spimap-train-rates program learns gene- and species-specific substitution rates (βG, α, β). These learned evolutionary parameters are then used by the spimap program to perform gene tree building and reconciliation simultaneously (dark green box).

Main arguments

-a,--align <alignment fasta>

This specifies the DNA alignment to use for reconstructing a gene tree. The file should be in FASTA format.

-S,--smap <species map>

This specifies which species each gene belongs using the file species map written in in *.smap format.

-s,--stree <species tree>

This specifies a known species tree with the file species tree written in newick format.

-p,--param <params file>

This specifies the SPIMAP substitution rate parameters (βG, α, β) written in the *.param file format. This file is generated by spimap-train-rates. Optionally, this argument can be skipped, in which case a gene- and species-specific rates model will not be used to reconstruct the gene tree.

-o,--output <output filename prefix>

This specifies a prefix for all of the output files. By default the prefix is "spimap" (e.g. "spimap.tree", "spimap.recon", "spimap.log"). The prefix can also include a different output directory.


With this argument SPIMAP will output the reconciliation found to the file "<output filename prefix>.recon" written in the *.recon format.

Sequence evolution model arguments

-k,--kappa <transition/transversion ratio>

This specifies the transition/transversion ratio κ for the HKY sequence model. By default κ will be estimated from the alignment.

-f,--bgfreq <A freq>,<C ferq>,<G freq>,<T freq>

This specifies the background base frequency for the HKY sequence model. By default these frequencies are estimated from the alignment.

Dup/loss evolution model arguments

-D,--duprate <duplication rate>

This specifies the gene duplication rate. Commonly, this should be specified in units of duplications/gene/million years. See species tree section for a discussion of the unit of time. See spimap-train-duploss for a way to estimate this parameter from data.

-L,--lossrate <loss rate>

This specifies the gene loss rate. Commonly, this should be specified in units of loss/gene/million years. See species tree section for a discussion of the unit of time. See spimap-train-duploss for a way to estimate this parameter from data.

Search arguments

-i,--niter <number iterations>

This specifies the number of iterations SPIMAP should search for the gene tree.

--quickiter <quick iterations>

This specifies the number of subproposals (default=50) for each main search iteration. Choosing a number between 100-1000 usually increases search efficiency, therefore allowing one to use fewer main iterations ("-i").

-b,--boot <number bootstraps>

Use this argument to perform bootstrapping. The alignment will be resampled with replacement number bootstrap times and a gene tree will be reconstructed for each sample.

Information arguments

-V,--verbose <verbosity level>

You can adjust the amount of logging/debugging information that SPIMAP displays by adjusting this argument (0=quiet, 1=low, 2=medium, 3=high)

--log <log filename>

This specifies a different file for saving log information. Use "-" to display on stdout (standard output).


When given, SPIMAP will display version information.


When given, SPIMAP will display help information.


This program prepares a gene count matrix file for learning gene duplication-loss rates. It can produce this file using one of two methods:

  1. If you have a series of FASTA files (one for each gene family), you can pass their filenames one per line to the standard input of spimap-prep-duploss.
  2. If you have a gene partition file, you can tell spimap-prep-duploss to count these genes using --part option.
-s,--stree=<species tree newick file>

This specifies a known species tree with the file species tree written in newick format.

-S,--smap=<gene to species file>

This specifies which species each gene belongs using the file species map written in in *.smap format.

-c,--countmatrix=<gene count matrix output file>

This specifies the output filename for the total gene counts per species. The format is a tab delimited matrix, where each row represents a gene family and each column represents a species. Each cell indicates the number of genes in that family and species.

-p,--part=<gene partition file>

If input method 2 is used (see above), this specifies a gene partition file. The format is a tab delimited. Each line represents a single family, and the line should contain each gene that appears in that family. Genes can be listed in any order.

-h, --help

When given, shows this help message.


This program learns gene duplication-loss rates from a gene counts matrix file.

-s,--stree=<species tree newick file>

This specifies a known species tree with the file species tree written in newick format.

-S,--smap=<gene to species file>

This specifies which species each gene belongs using the file species map written in in *.smap format.

-c,--countmatrix=<gene count matrix output file>

This specifies the gene counts matrix file. See spimap-prep-duploss for details about this file format and how to generate it.

--maxgene=<maximum number of genes in ancestor>

This argument is optional and can be used to limit the amount of computation performed. Specifically, it specifies an upper bound on the number of gene copies that could occur in any species and family.

--maxiter=<maximum number of ML iterations>

This argument is optional and can be used to limit the number of iterations used to find the duplication-loss rates.

--dup=<initial birth rate>

This argument is optional and can be used to specify an initial estimate of the duplication rate.

--loss=<initial death rate>

This argument is optional and can be used to specify an initial estimate of the loss rate.


When given, shows this help message.


This program is used to prepare a data set for learning gene and species substitution rate parameters. It takes as input a series of trusted gene trees from one-to-one orthologous gene families. The branch lengths of the gene trees should have units of substitution/site. The gene tree filenames should be given one per line on the standard input of this program.

-T,--tree=<tree file extension>

This specifies the file extension of the input gene tree files.

-A,--align=<alignment file extension>

This specifies the file extension of the input alignment files.

-s,--stree=<species tree newick file>

This specifies a known species tree with the file species tree written in newick format.

-S,--smap=<gene to species file>

This specifies which species each gene belongs using the file species map written in in *.smap format.

-l,--lenmatrix=<branch length matrix output file>

This specifies the output file for the branch length matrix. This file is a tab delimited matrix. Each row represents one family and each column represents one branch in the species tree. Each cell represents the branch length for that family and species branch.


If given, this specifies that gene trees need to be rooted to match the species tree before processing.


When given, shows this help message.


-s,--stree=<species tree newick file>

This specifies a known species tree with the file species tree written in newick format.

-l,--lenmatrix=<branch length matrix output file>

This specifies the input branch length matrix. See spimap-prep-rates for details about this file format and how to generate it.

-p,--params=<output parameters file>

This specifies the output file for writing the substitution rate parameters.

-n,--niter=<number of iterations>

This specifies the maximum number of iterations to run to find the substitution rate parameters.

-r,--nrates=<number of rate categories>

This optional parameter can be used to specify how many discrete segments to use when approximating the gene rate distribution (default: 20).

-f,--filter=<treelen percentile>

This optional parameter can be used to discard outlier trees with very large branch lengths.

-m,--mincount=<minimum subst. count on a branch>

This optional parameter can be used to discard branches that have too few substitutions.


When given, shows this help message.


This program implements SPIMAP's gene family model for simulating gene trees and DNA alignments. This program is particular useful for creating data sets for evaluating gene tree reconstruction programs.

-s,--stree=<species tree newick file>

This specifies a known species tree with the file species tree written in newick format.


This specifies the substitution rate parameters that should be used for simulation.

-l,--genelen=<gene length in base pairs>

This specifies the gene length to simulate.

-r,--tsvratio=<transition/transversion ratio>

This specifies the transition/transversion rate to use for sequence simulation.


This specifies the background base frequency to use for sequence simulation.

-m,--minsize=<min # of genes per tree>

If given, this specifies the minimum number of genes required for each simulated gene family.

-M,--maxsize=<max # of genes per tree>

If given, this specifies the maximum number of genes required for each simulated gene family.

-D,--duprate=<duplication rate>

This specifies the gene duplication rate to use for simulating each gene tree.

-L,--lossrate=<loss rate>

This specifies the gene loss rate to use for simulating each gene tree.

-n,--ntrees=<number of trees to produce>

This specifies how many gene trees and alignments to simulate.

--start=<starting number>

This option allows you to start simulating the Nth gene family where N=<starting number>.


If given, species rates are not used.

-O,--outtree=<output directory>

This specifies the output directory for simulations.

-T,--outtreeext=<output tree extension>

This specifies the output file extension for gene tree files.

-R,--outreconext=<output recon extension>

This specifies the output file extension for reconciliation files.

-A,--outalignext=<output align extension>

This specifies the output file extension for alignment files.

-F,--outseqext=<output sequence FASTA extension>

This specifies the output file extension for FASTA files.

-I,--outinfoext=<output information extension>

This specifies the output file extension for simulation information files.


If given, gene family sub-directories are not created.


If given, the simulation program will try to resume where it left off in simulating gene families.


When given, shows this help message.

Preparing your data set

Restrictions on gene IDs and species IDs. Due to the file formats that SPIMAP uses, there as several restrictions on what IDs are allowed. Many of these restrictions are common for other similar phylogenetic software. The safest IDs follow these restrictions:

  1. the first and last characters of the ID are a-z A-Z 0-9 _ - .
  2. the middle characters can be a-z A-Z 0-9 _ - . or the space character ' '.
  3. the ID should not be purely numerical characters 0-9
  4. the ID should be unique within a gene tree or within a species tree

Space characters are discouraged from gene IDs and species IDs since they will probably cause problems with other bioinformatic software that you may use (although SPIMAP can handle spaces). Characters such as parentheses "(" ")" and colons ":" are not allowed because the newick file format uses these characters for describing the structure of the tree.

It is also easier to use gene IDs that have a prefix or suffix that indicates the species ID. For example "human_HOXC5" is a human gene. This is not a requirement, but it does make preparing a gene to species mapping file (*.smap) easier.

File formats

Sequence alignment format (*.align)

SPIMAP uses the FASTA file format for sequences alignments. The file extension is not important and many different extensions are in common use (*.fa, *.mfa, *.fasta, *.align).

Each line starting with ">" indicates a gene name (see below). Note, the entire line after the ">" is used as the gene name. The gene's sequence is given on the following lines and it may be wrapped to any number of columns (or not wrapped at all). Gaps in the alignment are represented with the "-" character.

At this time (version 1.1), SPIMAP can only use DNA sequences. The sequence can be in both upper case and lower case (SPIMAP ignores case) and degeneracy codes can be used ("NnRrYyWwSsKkMmBbDdHhVv"), however at this time SPIMAP treats all degeneracies as completely missing data ("N"). Gaps "-" are also treated as missing data.


Species tree file format (*.stree)

Species trees should be specified using the Newick file format. Beyond the newick format, SPIMAP has only a few additional requirements. First, the species names given in the species tree should match those given in the SMAP file. Second, the branch lengths of the species tree should be expressed in units of time (see figure). Any unit of time can be used (e.g. millions of years, generations, relative units, etc). The only requirement is that the duplication and loss rates are also expressed in compatible units. Therefore, if branch lengths are in millions of years, the duplication rate (specified by spimap's "-D" option) should be in units of duplications/gene/million years.

Naming ancestral nodes. SPIMAP also supports naming ancestral nodes in the species tree using the newick format. For example, the parental node of human and chimp can be named primate using the following syntax:


If ancestral nodes are named, they will be used in the output of the reconciliation mapping.

Figure: Example *.stree file and corresponding tree. This file (top) specifies the species tree (bottom) using the newick file format. Branch lengths should be expressed in units of time (e.g. millions of years). Ancestral nodes can also optionally be named (the names "n1", "n2", etc are used in this example).

Gene to species name mapping file format (*.smap)

SPIMAP uses a special file format (*.smap) to specify which genes belong to which species. Each line contains two tab-delimited fields:

  1. pattern matching a gene ID
  2. species ID

Only 3 types of gene ID patterns are supported. The pattern can either be an exact matching string, a prefix (denoted "text*"), or a suffix (denoted "*text"). The "*" is the only special wildcard character.

The species ID should be the same as those used in the species tree. All patterns and IDs are case-sensitive.

When mapping a gene ID to a species ID all exact matches are processed first. If no exact match is found, the patterns are then processed in the same order as they appear in the file until a match is found. For example in the SMAP file given below, the gene ID "YALI123" should match the species "ylip", instead of "scer", because the pattern "YALI*" occurs before "Y*".

A*      agos
orf19*  calb
CDUG_*  cdub
CAGL*   cgla
IPF_*   cgla
CGUG_*  cgui
sbay_*  sbay
scas_*  scas
smik_*  smik
spar_*  spar
SCP*    spom
YALI*   ylip
Y*      scer
Q*      scer
Example *.smap file. This file specifies how to map gene names to their corresponding species. The first column indicates a gene name pattern (in this case a prefix) and the second column specifies a species name. Note: this example only gives a partial list of the species in the species tree above.

Reconciliation file format (*.recon)

When SPIMAP's "-r" option is used, the reconciliation found for the gene tree and species is saved to a file "OUTPUT_PREFIX.recon" (see reconcile example). The reconciliation file format is tab-delimited, where each line has three fields:

  1. gene node ID.
  2. species node ID.
  3. event (one of the following: "gene", "spec", "dup")

Each line specifies the mapping of one node in the gene tree (field 1) to one node or branch in the species tree (field 2). Branches are indicate using the node ID directly below it (i.e. the younger of the two incident nodes). The lines can be given in any order.

If the gene node is a leaf, it will map to a leaf in the species tree and the event field will contain the event "gene". All internal nodes of the gene tree are marked either as speciations (event "spec") or duplications (event "dup"). Specaition nodes map directly to the indicated species node, and duplication nodes map to the indication species branch. The time of the duplication along the species branch is not indicated in this file format nor is it inferred by SPIMAP.

If gene IDs are not given to the ancestral nodes of a gene tree or species tree, SPIMAP will by default name them with "nXXX" where XXX is the preorder traversal of the internal nodes.

KLLA0C08239g  klac  gene  
ADL072C       agos  gene  
kwal_5828     kwal  gene  
CAGL0J02970g  cgla  gene  
scas_g715.48  scas  gene  
smik_6662     smik  gene  
sbay_7039     sbay  gene  
smik_6659     smik  gene  
sbay_7037     sbay  gene  
YER061C       scer  gene  
spar_6281     spar  gene  
n10           n5    spec  
n9            n7    spec  
n8            n6    spec  
n7            n5    spec  
n6            n5    dup   
n5            n3    spec  
n4            n3    spec   
n3            n9    spec  
n2            n8    spec  
n1            n2    spec  
Figure: Example *.recon file. The reconciliation file format (top) specifies how all the nodes in a gene tree (bottom) map to the nodes and branches in the species tree (see species tree example). Notice that gene node "n6" (red dot) represents a duplication event along species branch "n5" (shown in the species tree example). The gene tree and species tree have their own name space (e.g. "n5" in the gene tree is not the same as "n5" in the species tree).

SPIMAP model parameters file format (*.params)

SPIMAP has several parameters for its substitution rates model. These parameters are learned by the spimap-train-rates program, which saves the parameters in a custom *.params file format (see example below). The spimap program reads these parameters using the "-p" option. Most uses of SPIMAP do not require understanding the contents of a *.params file.

The *.params file format is tab-delimited and each line is processed one at a time.

If the first field of a line is the word "baserate", then the remaining two fields are interpreted as floating point values αG and βG, which are the two parameters, shape and scale, of the inverse-gamma distributed gene-specific rate.

If the first field of the line does not match "baserate", then the first field indicates a species tree branch and the remaining two fields are interpreted as floating point values αi and βi, which are the two parameters, shape and scale, of the gamma distributed species-specific rate. Each branch is indicated by its more recent node. Ancestral nodes are indicated by integers according to preorder traversal.

baserate  6.98457288742   5.98457288742
1         3.28887700831   394.209221588
2         4.64684152603   551.109741211
3         1.13027572632   164.191940308
4         0.610769152641  75.0393371582
5         7.14405012131   927.631103516
6         2.96983885765   238.195861816
7         5.63683271408   632.264831543
8         0.974860072136  94.9837493896
9         0.856632292271  78.6899032593
10        4.64683914185   544.528686523
11        1.92581880093   271.891052246
12        3.84569692612   624.703308105
13        3.14617466927   335.446655273
14        0.699178874493  84.1814575195
15        0.746283352375  137.345901489
scer      8.42576217651   763.305847168
ctro      6.70220327377   999.845153809
scas      9.14448356628   1253.45031738
agos      8.84074497223   801.648925781
sbay      6.95680332184   1048.7590332
kwal      14.3321857452   1962.9083252
dhan      15.7483224869   2699.00878906
smik      10.2562847137   1143.78076172
cgla      9.81903266907   1015.43951416
spar      5.80616807938   799.18963623
calb      8.38038921356   1233.68322754
lelo      9.40990924835   973.772583008
cpar      9.43262672424   1184.28100586
klac      6.6709280014    767.418823242
clus      8.37989234924   881.762878418
cgui      11.9692239761   1187.47314453
Example *.params file. The *.params file contains the parameters for SPIMAP's substitution rate model.
