SPIDIR Benchmark datasets ============================== Matt Rasmussen, Manolis Kellis Mar 14, 2006 1. CONTENTS ================================================================================ flies/ Contains supporting files for datasets built on the 9 and 12 fly species. See file formats section for details. fungi/ Contains supporting files for datasets built on the 17 fungi species. See file formats section for details. flies9-ones/ One-to-one syntenic orthologs across 9 species of fly. flies12-ones/ One-to-one syntenic orthologs across 12 species of fly. flies9-sim/ Simulated trees for 9 fly species. The ten most frequent ML trees (T1-T10) were simulated. fungi-ones/ One-to-one orthologs across 9 species of fungi. fungi-wgd/ Whole-genome duplication across 7 species of fungi. Each directory is also compressed as a *.tar.gz file for easy downloading. In side each directory, there are numbered sub-directories (one for each gene tree). These numbers are not necessarily consecutive, some gene trees were removed (ex: gene conversion events in WGD). Inside each sub-directory, there are a series of files with file formats which are described in the next section. 2. FILE FORMATS ================================================================================ *.stree - Rooted species trees (newick format) *.smap - Gene name to species name mapping file (tab delimited) First column is an pattern for a gene name, the second column is the corresponding species name. The only patterns that are currently allowed are: prefixes: CG* dmel suffix: *_dmel dmel exact: CG1234 dmel *.param - SINDIR parameter file. Learned distibutions are saved in these files. First column is branch name or 'baserate'. Second and third columns are parameters for a distributions: mean, standard deviation for branches and alpha, beta for baserate (aka: family rate). Branches are named by the node directly below them in the tree. Internal branches are numbered by a pre-order traversal of the tree (the root is numbered 1). The trees are given below. *.fasta - Fasta file with original peptide sequences *.pep.align - Multiple alignment of peptides in *.fasta *.nt.align - Nucleotide alignments. These were created by mapping each pepeptide alignment (*.pep.align) into a nucleotide alignment by replacing each amino-acid with the original codon from the coding sequence and every gap with three gaps. *.hky.dist - Pair-wise gene distances in PHYLIP format. Distances are estimated using HKY from *.nt.align (see Note) *.protdist.dist - Pair-wise gene distances in PHYLIP format. Distances are estimated using JTT from *.pep.align (using PROTDIST program) *.correct.tree - Correct tree topology derived from synteny (no branch lengths) *.nt.tree - Gene tree (newick) with PHYML fitted branch lengths on the correct topology (*.correct.tree) using nucleotide alignments (*.nt.align). Used for SPIDIR training. Note: PHYLIP distance files have a restiction of 10 characters for the gene name. Some programs allow up to 30 characters but then require 2 spaces between the gene name and the distance values. Thus, the most portable format is to limit gene names to 8 characters and always use 2 spaces of separation. Because of these limitations, we have chosen not to write gene names in distance files (*.hky.dist) altogether. Instead place holders are used ('_______1', '_______2', etc) and the corresponding alignment file (*.nt.align) is used to indicate gene names (FASTA keys appear in the same order as rows in the distance matrix). 3. Species abbreviations ================================================================================ 17 Fungi species scer S. cerevisiae spar S. paradoxus smik S. mikatae sbay S. bayanus scas S. castellii cgla C. glabrata klac K. lactis agos A. gossypii kwal K. waltii 12 Fly species dmel D. melanogaster dsec D. sechellia dsim D. simulans dyak D. yakuba dere D. erecta dana D. ananassae dpse D. pseudoobscura dper D. persimilis dwil D. willistoni dmoj D. mojavensis dvir D. virilis dgri D. grimshawi 4. Species trees ================================================================================ Fungi species tree [6]/---- yeast [5]/----+ /----+ \---- spar [4]| | /----+ \---- smik [3]| | /----+ \---- sbay [2]| | /----+ \---- scas [1]| | +----+ \---- cgla | | [7]/---- klac \----+ | [8]/---- kwal \----+ \---- agos Flies species tree [7]/----- dsim [6]/-----+ /-----+ \----- dsec [5]| | /-----+ \----- dmel | | [4]| | [8]/----- dyak /-----+ \-----+ | | \----- dere [3]| | /-----+ \----- dana | | [2]| | [9]/----- dpse /-----+ \-----+ | | \----- dper [1]| | +-----+ \----- dwil | | [11]/----- dmoj | [10]/-----+ \-----+ \----- dvir | \----- dgri