RANGER-DTL (short for Rapid ANalysis of Gene family Evolution using Reconciliation-DTL) is a software package for inferring gene family evolution by speciation, gene duplication, horizontal gene transfer, and gene loss. The software takes as input a gene tree (rooted or unrooted) and a rooted species tree and reconciles the two by postulating speciation, duplication, transfer, and loss events. RANGER-DTL implements efficient algorithms that can efficiently analyze trees with even thousands of taxa, and can handle both undated and dated species trees (i.e., both cladograms and chronograms). Further details on the functionality of RANGER-DTL are given in the manual.
The software can be cited as follows:
Efficient Algorithms for the Reconciliation Problem with Gene Duplication, Horizontal Transfer, and Loss
Mukul S. Bansal, Eric J. Alm, Manolis Kellis.
ISMB 2012; Bioinformatics 28: i283-i291, 2012.
Contact: Please feel free to contact Mukul Bansal (mukul.bansal@uconn.edu) if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.