##FILTER=<ID=DukeBlacklist,Description="Covered by Duke blacklist in ENCODE analysis">
##FILTER=<ID=ENCODEBacklist,Description="Covered by standard blacklist in ENCODE analysis">
##FILTER=<ID=SimpleRepeat,Description="Masked by SimpleRepeat algorithm">
##FILTER=<ID=NotUniquelyAlignable,Description="A 36mer would not align here uniquely allowing one mismatch">
##FILTER=<ID=1KGBacklist,Description="Covered by blacklist in 1000G analysis">
##FILTER=<ID=NotInEPOAlignment,Description="Not included in a EPO alignment block of vertebrates">
##FILTER=<ID=CpGIsland,Description="Annotated as a CpG island by UCSC">
##FILTER=<ID=AlternateAlleleMakesCpG,Description="In carriers of the alternate allele, there is a CpG">
##FILTER=<ID=CpGInReference,Description="Any CpG dinucleotide">
##INFO=<ID=DAF,Number=.,Type=Float,Description="Derived allele frequency in YRI (only reported if ancestral allele is reported in 1000G pilot)">
##INFO=<ID=HET,Number=.,Type=Float,Description="Heterozygosity in YRI (estimated from 2pq)">
##INFO=<ID=DIV,Number=.,Type=Integer,Description="Divergence in macaque. 0:Same base in macaque. 1:Divergent in macaque. Not reported:Unknown base or unaligned in macaque.">
##INFO=<ID=CON,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="Conserved across mammals by SiPhy-omega (12-mer resolution, 10% FDR)">
##INFO=<ID=BS1,Number=.,Type=Float,Description="Expected background selection by cM to nearest exon">
##INFO=<ID=BS2,Number=.,Type=Float,Description="Expected background selection using B from McVicker et al. 2009">
##INFO=<ID=CONTROLSNPS,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Control subsets. WorS: Weak-weak or strong-strong polymorphism. PresentInNA12878: SNP is present in NA12878 according to 1000G high-coverage sequencing.">
##INFO=<ID=PREVIOUSANNOT,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Previous annotations from GENCODE v7 and others. Exon: exon by GENCODE. Repeat: region annotated by RepeatMasker, obtained from UCSC. TSSProximal: within 2kb of a GENCODE TSS or TSS cluster. UTR: UTR by GENCODE. NonDegenerateCoding: coding position by CCDS which would change the amino acid if mutated to any of the three other bases. CDS: coding position by GENCODE. Intergenic: not annotated as a gene in GENCODE. Intronic: annotated as a gene but not exon in GENCODE. PreviouslyUnannotated: Neither TSSProximal or Exonic in GENCODE.">
##INFO=<ID=STATES,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Union of active chromatin states observed in six cell types from ENCODE analysis. Enhancer, Insulator, Promoter, Transcribed. NeverActive: never in any of these active states in the six cell types.">
##INFO=<ID=REGULATORY,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Union of regulatory annotations from ENCODE analysis. DNase, FAIRE, ChIP.">
##INFO=<ID=RNA,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Union of novel RNAs from ENCODE analysis. LongRNA, ShortNA, WhollyIntergenic, WhollyIntronic, PolyA.">
##INFO=<ID=UNBOUNDMOTIF,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Unbound (never bound by cognate factor by ChIP) motif instances">
##INFO=<ID=BOUNDMOTIF,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Bound (in at least one experiment, by its cognate factor, by ChIP) motif instances">
##INFO=<ID=GMSTATES,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Chromatin state observed in GM12878 from ENCODE analysis. Enhancer, Insulator, Promoter, Transcribed, Inactive">
##INFO=<ID=GMREGULATORY,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Union of regulatory annotations in GM12878 from ENCODE analysis. DNase, FAIRE, ChIP.">
##INFO=<ID=GMRNA,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Union of novel RNAs in GM12878 from ENCODE analysis. LongRNA, ShortNA, WhollyIntergenic, WhollyIntronic, PolyA.">