MarbachRoy2012_SI.pdf. Supplemental figures and text.
S1_integrative_regulatory_networks.zip. This zip file contains two tab-separated files representing the unsupervised and supervised integrative networks. The files have three columns: the first column is the name of the regulator, the second column is the name of the target gene, and the third column is the score of the edge connecting the regulator and the target. Genes are given by their FBgn numbers.
S2_mixed_regulatory_networks.zip. The mixed transcriptional and post-transcriptional (TFs and microRNA) regulatory networks used for the network motif analysis described in Supplementary Note S1.
S3_struct_properties_sup_network.xls. Sheet 1: Summary of the number of nodes and edges in the supervised integrative network and the mixed regulatory network. Sheet 2: Transcription factors in the supervised integrative and their in/out-degrees. Sheet 3: miRNAs in the mixed regulatory network and their in/out-degrees. Sheet 4: In-degrees of target genes and transcription factors of the supervised integrative network.
S4_struct_properties_unsup_network.xls. Sheet 1: Summary of the number of nodes and edges in the unsupervised integrative network and the mixed regulatory network. Sheet 2: Transcription factors in the unsupervised integrative network and their in/out-degrees. Sheet 3: miRNAs in the mixed regulatory network and their in/out-degrees. Sheet 4: In-degrees of target genes and transcription factors of the unsupervised integrative network.
S5_GO_enrichment_by_node_degree.xls. GO biological process enrichments for high (> 150) and low (= 1) in degree gene sets.
S6_triads.xlsx. Sheet 1: List of all possible triads (subnetworks with only 3 nodes) for mixed regulatory networks. Sheet 2: List of all possible triads (subnetworks with only 3 nodes) for the integrative networks.
S7_gene_function_prediction.zip. This archive has two files: One tgz file and sub-directories for the supervised and one for the unsupervised integrative network. Within each sub-directory is a file per GO process. Each line has four columns: first column is the name of the process, second column is the FBgn number of a gene, third column is the FDR, and fourth column is a label to identify the type of prediction. Specifically the labels take the values NEW (previously unannotated gene), KNOWN PRED (additional new prediction for a previously annotated gene), KNOWN HIT (previously annotated with the same function, that is, true positive). Only predictions that satisfy an FDR of 0.6 or lower and that are not in the FALSE set are included.
S8_ImaGO_enrichment_for_predicted_GO_terms.xlsx. ImaGO enrichments for predicted GO terms for both unannotated genes and genes with previous annotations.
S9_datasets_and_source_code.zip. Data and source code to reproduce networks and validation results. Download from Google code (see below).
The Java source code and datasets used to generate and validate the integrative network are available from the
Last update: July 13, 2012